Olympia street traffic has been published, indicating the new shared pedestrian with safety vest and cycle path starts. Brand has puzzled readers, as it has right through the asphalt right in the middle wheel corridor.
The castle Infra street champion Markus Lateen, why is the middle of the road pedestrian and cycle route?- Brand is installed in accordance with the construction plan. It is not unusual that the traffic signs placed in the middle of the road. After all, it is undeniably a bit funny, and it could have been placed in the road to the edge of the green zone. We also have standards, according to which the sign shall not be placed too close to the roadway else. Does the character pose quite a risk of collision, when the street lights are not lit at night? – Traffic sign stanchion has a white reflective tape. Not to anyone should run into. In addition, the wheel and the line between the walkway create an optical illusion. It seems, as the road was narrower than they actually are.
If the center of the pedestrian and bicycle lane traffic sign shall be erected, so whether the road with?
– Does not sound terribly fiksulta the question. Accessible by car can be put in temporary traffic signs in concrete, for example during road work. It is still common that the sign is light traffic and reflector on the bus. For example, Häme and Vyborg Road intersection is pysähtymiskieltomerkki, which is meters light traffic lane side.
Will road where they lie?
– If it is in accordance with traffic plan, it stays there. We have become a feedback in the mark, and we are talking about.
By the way: why Turuntie and Brahenkatu intersection of new asphalt peeled off on Monday?
– It was not asphalt but oil gravel. It was a temporary solution, because the measurement error because we did not have enough asphalt. New asphalt will be on Monday.