Do you travel on a motorcycle? Tips for safe driving

Next, we offer you some recommendations to have a safe motorcycle trip:

Helmet use

Although it is the most obvious recommendation, it is important to note that 28% of motorcycle riders misuse the helmet, either by not wearing it or by using it incorrectly. It is the most essential element to operate a motorcycle and the one that is least used.

According to the World Health Organization, wearing a helmet reduces the risk of death by 40% and serious injury by 70%. Its correct use is key to safe driving.

When choosing a helmet, keep in mind the following recommendations:

Smooth, hard exterior with retro-reflective markings.

Internal filling not less than 25 thousandths of a meter

Flexible padding attached to the padding, which adjusts the helmet to the head, that is, that is for your size.

Belt retention system and buckle of two-hundredths of a meter minimum width that passed under the chin correctly fasten the helmet to the head.

Polycarbonate visor, preferably anti-fog to prevent fogging.

That the helmet is approved by IRAM standards, that is, that it was subjected to a series of processes and tests aimed at verifying that it meets all the necessary basic safety features.

If the helmet suffers an impact, you must change it because it loses effectiveness.

Driver and passenger position

The rider must adopt a posture that allows him to be in control of the motorcycle. Ideally, the hip should be as close to the fuel tank as possible and the knees should lightly press the tank. At the same time, the feet must be on the pedal.

The passenger also has to put his feet on the pedal and must be supported by the driver’s waist. Also, it must accompany the movements of the driver without intervening in the maneuvers.


The blind angle when we ride a motorcycle limits our rear lateral vision and is often the main cause of many accidents.

The riskiest moments occur in lane changes, in traffic situations, or when a car behind us performs an unsigned or unforeseen maneuver. Some of the more experienced motorcyclists know how to avoid the blind spot by looking back quickly when changing lanes, but it is something that for a fraction of a second forces us to take our eyes off the road.

The best way to ride a motorcycle is to look at the rear-view mirrors frequently to have greater control over the rest of the vehicles on the road. Although many motorcyclists are reluctant to use the rearview mirrors, it is essential to incorporate them during driving, as they will give us an overview of what is happening behind us. Also, we must signal all the maneuvers that are carried out to warn the rest of the drivers of what we will do, either with the lights or the horn.


In a curve the idea is to adjust the speed before entering it, not to use either brakes or clutch to achieve greater grip.

Braking. Simultaneously apply brakes progressively, without clutch action to take advantage of the engine brake, while kneading the tank and maintaining the posture.

If it rains, it will be better to wait 10 to 20 minutes to get out, once the rain stops. This is to have more adherence.

At night it is advisable to wear light or reflective clothing with reflective fabric since the important thing is that the rest of the vehicles can see the motorcycle and the driver.

If you go on a motorcycle, it is mandatory that you wear a reflective vest

This Wednesday came into force the regulations of the municipality of San Miguel de Tucum án that requires motorcyclists to use this garment as a badge.

The measure created a stir among drivers and divided opinions on different paths.

“The regulatory use of vests is already a fact. Despite the criticism on the streets, drivers have already been seen using them since yesterday and it shows that people are interested in supporting the initiative,” commented the undersecretary of Transit and Transportation of the capital’s Municipality Enrique Romero.

Also, the official stressed again the intention to care for the lives of the driver and pedestrians above all else.

“We don’t put numbers on reflective vests or anything like that. What we seek is to improve road safety,” argued Romero. In this way, it differed from what is done in the province of Buenos Aires, where the motorcycle patent must appear on the vest by law.

In several businesses in the field, as it was found on Monday, the reflective vests had been sold out, and merchants were analyzing the possibility of ordering, also, garments such as jumpsuits and jackets with reflective strips.

Parallel to this debut, today at 8:00 p.m. several groups of Tucumán motorcyclists will carry out a new mobilization in Plaza Independencia in opposition to the use of vests.

“As a biker, I am also concerned about safety due to the number of motorcycles that change lanes, come against me, and do not wear a helmet or a patent. We are also affected by accidents, but to combat them what we need are more controls”, stated Andrea Maidan, member of the motorcycle group”Unión Rutera MG”.

The use of the vest

The garment will be regulatory for drivers and their respective companions. In the future, the use of the vest will also be borne by the cadets and the dealers. As an additional measure, the latter will have to add reflective stripes on the boxes of their motorcycles. Over time, Romero will expand the mandatory nature of the reflective vest to the employees of the gomerías.

In addition to the vest, the use of the shoulder straps is also valid (a kind of light girdle that intersects the back and comes in orange or yellow). Another option is to resort to various clothing models made with high-visibility materials, such as jumpsuits and jackets that already come with built-in reflective stripes. Similarly, we can buy the light strips separately and sew them, on our own, to the clothing in question.

The Right Vest

The colors allowed in municipal regulations are pure yellow, and yellow, orange-yellow, and green. The important thing is that the vests contain more than one reflective band (at least five centimeters thick) and that the fabric is sensitive to light. Regarding measurements, these garments should be 60 centimeters long and 35 centimeters wide, with a reflectivity of 330 lux candles per square meter.

The acquisition of clothing

The vests and shoulder bags are sold in automotive businesses, such as distributors and motorcycle parts stores. Another option is to visit a local specialized in work clothes and construction. Also, there is a street sale of reflective vests (not that of shoulder bags), and, in online commerce pages such as “Mercado Libre” and “OLX”, both garments can be obtained in different fabric and size thicknesses (up to XXL).

The municipal resolution that establishes the mandatory use of reflective vests (or shoulder straps) for those who drive motorcycles, will be carried out in stages and gradually. Starting today, with its implementation on the streets, it will proceed to a test phase where the main objective is to inform drivers about the measure, make a call to attention to offenders and allow motorcyclists to purchase the vests.

Regardless of the town or municipality of residence of the motorcyclist, the use of the reflective vest or shoulder strap is mandatory for drivers and companions who enter the capital of Tucumán.

The sanctions

For now, roadblocks will only focus on driver awareness and prevention. Only in a second stage of the regulations will the fines be determined and the amount of the penalties will be set. The Undersecretariat of Traffic and Transport clarified that the hijacking of the motorcycles is not foreseen and that the inspections will be comprehensive, checking the use of helmet and lights besides.

Tips: what clothes to wear to run in the rain

A cloudy sky, a couple of drops, an intermittent drizzle, and even a little more too. Some look at the sky and find they’re a perfect excuse not to go training or avoid any competition: the rain. The truth is that, except for those circumstances in which integrity is put at risk, a little water does not rust anyone.

And many times, rainy weather can be an ally, always taking the necessary precautions to avoid problems. It is also true that not even running on a rainy day is heroic and not going out is cowardly, sometimes it is better to keep yourself. But when there are many days without activity due to the water, it is advisable to take precautions and leave excuses aside.

Some advice:

Raining does not mean wearing more clothes: on the contrary, adding more coats will imply more weight on the body once it gets wet. Use the usual amount.

Garments should be technical, it is ideal to avoid cotton or materials that accumulate liquid. Some sneakers have the same purpose, with materials that do not absorb and keep the foot dry.

A repellent jacket would be ideal. When buying one, you must observe how much water it repels: there are some uses for a drizzle and others that are useful for a storm. A windbreaker jacket is not necessarily water repellent.

Wearing the hood can be useful, but be careful because in general, it removes vision from the sides (important if you run on the street).

Rainy days are generally less bright, so it is important to wear reflective clothing with reflective fabric and bright colors so that everyone can see you.

You should also choose shoes with a good grip. On the street, some slippers slip. And for running on land, without a good mud-prepared sole, you can end up in a fall.

To avoid water on the face, the best is a visor or cap. Lenses prevent the eye from coming into contact with water, but they splash and remove vision.

Wet clothes and body rub are not good alidades. That is why technical clothing is important. Be careful with blisters and chafing. Petroleum jelly is a good friend.

Be careful with electronic equipment because in many cases water can ruin them. If you use a cell phone holder, you can cover the phone with plastic wrap to prevent it from getting wet.

The use of music for running should also be taken into account since with rain the risks increase and it is better to be vigilant.

Don’t trust puddles: being covered by water you can’t see how deep a well can be and when stepping on it can cause falls or twists. Always try to step on insurance.

If it is cold and you have a place to leave a change of clothes, keep it in mind: bring something to change as soon as the activity is finished will prevent you from getting cold.

Don’t forget about hydration. Just because your body is wet doesn’t mean you shouldn’t drink water or isotonic drink.

For racing, many use lightweight pilots or large bags with holes for arms and head. In this case, it must be borne in mind that it does not have a ventilation system, so it can generate a lot of perspiration, which will still moisten the clothes.

In the case of hail, storm, or thunderstorm, it is better to think about postponing or postponing the departure. The same in the case of high wind.

Tips for driving in fog: correct use of lighting and a lot of patience

There is nothing worse than going down the road and finding yourself a dense fog bank. It is normal to suffer nerves since visibility drops to extreme limits and the chances of having an accident increase. It is best not to lose your cool and remember some key points for driving in these weather conditions.

The first thing is to make g  ood use of the fog lights, both the rear and the front. In a quick summary, it should be remembered that fog lights do not serve to improve your visibility, if not so that other vehicles are easier to see, although the front ones can help you see something better.

Depending on the country where the car is rented, the permits needed may vary.

According to article 106 of the regulations, the use of front fog lamps will be mandatory with dust and smoke in the environment, with fog and snow, and only in heavy rain. The rear ones will be obligatory as long as these previous assumptions can be qualified as “intense”.

If you do not use these lights correctly, you can dazzle and make uncomfortable the rest of the drivers who are on the road and cause an accident. Plus, they can fine you, so watch out when you plug them in.

Other useful tips

It is best not to lose patience, slow down, and increase the safety distance. Also, avoid overtaking if you are driving on the motorway or highway and always stay in the right lane. Follow the road lines to continue the layout of the road and do not imitate the movements of the car that precedes you, since if you get confused or make a mistake you could have an accident.

Almost 7% of accidents occur in foggy situations.

Fog lights: when should I turn them on?

On the other hand, and regarding the use of lights, avoid connecting long ones. Fog usually reflects light and this will dazzle you and will not increase your visibility. It is more recommended to drive with a low beam or low beam. Also, be sure to keep all the windows clean and if they get foggy you can direct the ventilation towards them or open the windows a little. Connects the wipers intermittently to eliminate moisture that can accumulate.

Finally, if you see that the conditions to continue your journey are very dangerous, park the car as close as possible to the shoulder and connect the emergency lights (if you cannot stop in a more protected place). Always get out of the car wearing reflective clothing with reflective fabric and never turn off your emergency lights.

4 steps that will help you know if you run safely

With the change of season that robs us of sunlight, the season of running starts when the streetlights have already been lit. Although training at night can be relaxing, it also requires a little more caution, not only in wearing reflective clothing with reflective tape to be more visible but also in avoiding being attacked by sexual assailants, as was the case with the athlete Julia Takacs last August.

So much so that in Spain a platform has been created that helps to put in contact girls who have in common their hobby of running, but do not want to do it alone. It is known as Synchronized and there are already more than 11,000 registered in this running club. Also, they usually make massive gatherings where thousands of girls from all over the country congregate to run together.

But if it is the case that you cannot do it accompanied, the runner and self-defense instructor Julie Barron Morrill has given us four guidelines so as not to become potential victims of an attack while we run and successfully exit the situation.

Think of a plan for an awkward situation or attack. “Try to anticipate how you would respond to an assault before it occurs.” Morrill advises going head high and shoulders back: “An attacker will not choose someone self-assured and alert.”

If something happens, the first thing to do is run away, Morrill says. “We are out running, so run.” Running away from an awkward situation may seem rude, but Morrill advises leaving manners aside if the situation requires it.

If you’ve been cornered and you can’t run away, yell with all your might. Morrill recommends using clear phrases like: “Take off!”. Another option is to say something that doesn’t make sense: your attacker will be puzzled and you’ll save time. Have a phrase ready before you leave.

Attacking is the last option, Morrill says. First, avoid being knocked out: bend your knees, put your torso forward, tuck your chin, and protect your face with your arms. If he catches you from behind, hit his face with his elbow. And if you’re in front, a kick to the crotch can be very effective.

Six tips for cycling to work

1. The most important thing is SAFETY: make yourself visible and always equip yourself with front and rear daytime running lights, a helmet, and fluoride clothing. Ideally, wear a reflective vest and light clothing. It is also important that you check your bike before leaving, do not forget that it is a vehicle that must take you safely to your destination in open traffic. Check the pressure of the wheels, the lights, and make sure that the brakes and gears are well adjusted. If there is a bike path, use it. Signpost your movements; turn left, right, and brake, in advance, use the bell and do not listen to music.

 2. EQUIP YOUR BIKE: Depending on what you need to take with you, think about putting on racks to free your back from the extra weight and heat that backpacks entail. In it, you can place one or two saddlebags to carry your clothes, laptop, towel, shoes. If you have little with you, try a basket on the handlebar. There are also other cool accessories like rearview mirrors that let you keep an eye on the traffic behind you without having to turn your neck or lose focus on what’s going on ahead. Finally, equip your bike with a basic tool kit (camera, puncture kit, multi-tool, etc.)

 3. The study which is the BEST JOURNEY: try to take safe alternatives such as bike lanes or areas with less traffic. Remember that there are times when the shortest route is not the most recommended. As a general rule, the streets parallel to the main traffic routes offer you the safest way to reach your destination.

 4. Take the trip with PEACE OF MIND: if you don’t have showers in your company, the best way to do it is calm, without rushing and without pedaling. You also have the option of getting an electric bicycle that will help you get less fatigued and in less time. You go to work, not a career. Get out early enough and pedal smoothly, don’t overstrain that will make you sweat more than you should. Leave extra clothes, toiletries, a towel, etc. in the office. This way you will have to carry less weight on the bike every day, which will ensure that you are lighter and more stable when riding. You can choose to keep in your office a toilet kit in which you carry: a change of clothes, deodorant, perfume, and any other product.

 5. How to PROTECT YOUR BIKE from the friends of others: The ideal situation would be for you to get your company to enable a locked room so that you and your colleagues could leave your bikes. If this is not possible, there are three things you can do to avoid thieves. Park your bike in a place that is visible to you and well lit. Use at least one, and preferably two, padlocks. Although the best ones are not especially cheap, they will better protect your precious bike. Remove vulnerable items from your bike like lights, accessory bags, bell.

 6. Finally, what is the BEST CLOTHING to make the commute to work by bike: While cycling clothes are usually very close to the body to prevent the wind from slowing down our progress, in this case, it is the opposite. Both the upright posture and looser clothes play in our favor. You can wear a breathable shirt that fits the body and prevents sweat from entering your clean clothes. It is also recommended to wear reflective elements or fluorine colors.

Tips for running in the dark of night

After the summer, the hours of daylight get shorter and shorter, it disappears in the middle of the afternoon and it gets dark very early, but most of us have no choice but to go out to train at those hours, whether, for work, studies or simply because we want more than getting up early, and what we find are dark streets. So in this post we are going to see a few tips to run at night and be safer in the dark.

It has a light. This is essential if what we want is to illuminate the streets where we run. A frontal would be the most appropriate if we are going to run through areas with no light and highly recommended if it is in the mountains (the Run Light is perfect). But we must not forget that lighting is not only for us to see, but also for other vehicles to see us, so it is highly recommended to carry some safety light, both in front and behind. Currently they sell many devices of this type, even in the form of an armband or anklets with LED lights that do not disturb anything on the go.

Reflective clothing. Another tip for night running is to make sure you wear clothes that have reflective fabric, it is not a matter of going out to run at 10 at night in mourning. Most sports clothing, sneakers, and running accessories have a reflective strip, but if you think that it is not enough you can choose to buy some attractive armband or even adapt pieces of, for example, a typical reflective car vest, to your equipment.

Always run facing traffic. This is very important and should not be forgotten. If we run through areas without sidewalks and with traffic, we must always go along the shoulder where we see the vehicles coming from the front, so we can have a minimum reaction margin if we see that something can happen and we will not be startled if large motorcycles or vehicles pass.

Bring a phone. No one knows the unforeseen things you can have in the middle of the night, so carrying a phone can get us out of an emergency. Luckily, thanks to the rise of sports applications for smartphones, many people wear the phone with bracelets and could use it if they needed to.

Tips for night running, safety first

Bring identification. Nobody thinks of having an accident while running, but better be prepared, so it costs nothing to carry identification with our data or even buy us a bracelet like the ones from Safesport ID, which can be personalized with contact phones, illnesses, allergies, etc. You can find them on their website from € 16.95. In our case, we have analyzed in depth the Codylife Sport, very to take into account.

He wears a cap. Although it may seem silly, if you are used to training in areas where there is traffic, you may want to try wearing a cap for those moments when the lights of the cars coming from the front blind us and it would only be enough to lower the visor to avoid it.

Leave the music at home. Carrying music helps us distract ourselves during training, motivates us, and gives us the feeling that time passes faster. This is great, but at night we need to be more attentive to everything that happens around us and since our eyesight is impaired by the lack of light, it is advisable to at least have a good ear and leave our brand new headphones to run at home.

As you can see, they are simple tips, many of common sense, but they can make our night outings more comfortable and, above all, safer. What are your tricks when you go out without the Sun to burn shoes?

National Police begins a campaign to use reflective vest at night

The observatory of road accidents of the Directorate of Traffic and Transport of the Police carried out a study where it was determined that 45% of deaths in road accidents in Colom.

National Police begins a campaign to use reflective at night

The observatory of road accidents of the Directorate of Traffic and Transport of the Police carried out a study where it was determined that 45% of deaths in road accidents in Colombia occur at night, this data already records at least 2,054 deaths, which expresses the need to understand that “the greater the visibility, the greater the possibilities of avoiding a loss”. Cyclists who do not wear vests or drivers who do not use turn signals are the main protagonists of car accidents caused in the night hours. For this reason, it is necessary for road actors to be aware of visual limitations at night and to adopt these simple habits that will prevent accidents, such as the use of retro-reflective clothing. The lack of culture and road safety has caused a high number of fatalities on the roads and there are already more than 2,000 deaths in low-light places, says General William Salamanca, director of the Traffic Police. It is important to clarify that the use of the reflective vest is not mandatory in Colombia, even so, if it is the use of some reflective garment at night, more exactly in the period between 6 p.m. and 6 am As pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists are the most vulnerable actors on the road, this phenomenon also affects cargo vehicles, which is why the Ministry of Transportation issued resolution 3246 of August 3, 2018, using which the use of retro-reflective tapes was regulated in bus-type vehicles (open, Chiva to the ladder and closed), bus, minibus, truck, van (panel, van, stakes, and van), tractor-truck (tractor truck), dump trucks, etc. as in trailers and semi-trailers with a gross vehicle weight of more than 0.75 tons. In this way, the National Police seeks, with the ‘Make Yourself Visible’ campaign, that road actors become aware of the importance of using reflectors at night, which becomes a preventive tool on the road that will help avoid accidents and pay fines.

Use of reflective tapes will be mandatory from September

The Ministry of Transportation issued the resolution that regulates the installation and use of retro-reflective tapes in cargo and passenger vehicles that circulate on the roads of the national territory, to increase visibility and reduce the probability of road accidents.

The Transport portfolio indicated that the tapes will be mandatory for vehicles traveling on public or private roads, and also the colors established for the retro-reflective tapes are only red and white.

Both public service and private motor vehicles intended for the transport of passengers, with a capacity of more than 9 passengers including the driver, that transit through the suburban, rural national routes, must have the tapes installed no later than January 4.

The deadlines for controls to start were established in three groups, the first expires on September 4, 2019; In this are cargo transport vehicles with a weight greater than 0.75 tons, as well as agricultural, industrial and self-propelled construction machinery that travels on public roads.

The last term expires on May 4 and applies to mixed transport vehicles, with a capacity of more than 9 passengers including the driver, that transit on public or private roads.

The resolution establishes that for public and private vehicles, destined for the transportation of passengers that circulate exclusively on the roads of the municipal urban perimeter, the installation and use of retro-reflective tapes will not be compulsory; This measure can be accepted voluntarily.

The document states that vehicles must install a white tape on the front, the white and red tapes must be located on the side and red tape must be placed on the back. Drivers who do not adopt these measures will be sanctioned by the corresponding authorities.

Traffic Authorities place reflectors on trucks to avoid accidents at night and rain

Freight transport causes traffic accidents for various reasons, one of these is the lack of lighting, so personnel from the Traffic Department of the National Civil Police (PNC) place reflective tapes on trailers and trucks, to make them more visible, especially at night and when it rains.

Delegates from the Traffic Department indicated that the reflective tapes are given to drivers as part of the Winter Road Safety 2019 campaign, which aims to reduce road mishaps.

They also mentioned that many of those vehicles are stranded due to mechanical damage or are parked in the middle of the lanes without any type of lighting, which has caused accidents, so they also make a call to conscience to the pilots to place reflective cones. and keep emergency lights in good condition.

According to statistics from the Traffic Department, trucks and trailers are responsible for 5.1 percent of accidents across the country. 39 percent of mishaps are caused by motorcyclists and the rest by drivers of different types of vehicles.


Recently, the Traffic Department began training for pilots of private companies, since, according to authorities, many drivers are unaware of the rules for driving and therefore commit fouls.

Bad conditions

Rony Mendoza, president of the Heavy Transport Union, considers that the conditions in which truck and trailer drivers work are deplorable and that there is an unfair competition that does not allow those who work on their own to have better labor guarantees.

“If someone is offered a freight for Q3 thousand, there is never a shortage that arrives and offers Q2 thousand. That is unfair,” he lamented.

Mendoza said that the problem is that many drivers start driving from 1 in the morning and do not have adequate places to rest or eat food.

Also read: Rain causes damage in four departments in the south-west of the country

Pilot testimonials

Mechanical failures and fatigue of the head drivers are factors that affect the tragedies.

Rigoberto López, the trailer pilot, said: “They are machines, and at any moment they fail. This work is tiring. Time restrictions affect us. We drive all night to get through the city. Sometimes it makes me sleepy, like every human being”.

Alejandro Ramírez, the trailer pilot, stated: “There is also recklessness on the part of many drivers. You should drive to 80, and if urged at 85. After that there is a danger that the brakes will not respond. Some go up to 120 kilometers per hour, at night”.

According to authorities, there are several reasons why trailer and truck accidents occur.