On Wednesday, disguised children will storm the streets to take part in the traditional Halloween candy picking. For this evening to take place safely, the Surtees du Québec recalls some safety instructions.
See and be seen
It is important to make sure your child be visible as many pedestrians and motorists will drive at dusk, a time when visibility will be reduced. It is advisable to choose a Halloween costume with light colors and reflective tape for clothing. We also recommend bringing a flashlight with you.
Finally, focus on makeup rather than wearing a mask, to allow your child to better see and hear what is happening around him.
During the evening, children should always:
Determine a journey and time of return with their parents;
Stay in a group or with the accompanying adult;
Cross the streets at intersections;
Walk only one side of the street at a time;
Have the candies inspected by their parents before eating them.
During the evening, children should never:
To enter the house or the car of a stranger;
Follow a stranger, whether by car or on foot.
Wear a reflective vest with reflective materials at night when you go outside.
Motorists, a call for vigilance.
The police are asking for the cooperation of motorists who will have to be particularly vigilant and travel at low speed in residential areas, giving priority to children who will roam the streets.
Precautionary principle
Recall that the Principle of Prudence was introduced in the Highway Safety Code last April. This principle is aimed at all road users and provides, among other things, that every road user must act with caution and respect, especially towards the most vulnerable that he, when traveling on the road network. Vulnerable users are required to adopt behaviors that promote their safety.
For more information about safety rules and to test your safety knowledge for Halloween night, we invite you to take the test which is available on the website of the Societies de l ‘assurance automobile du Québec.