Police handed out reflective vests to drivers

The Kutenai policemen joined the action police headquarters, which is aimed at raising the visibility of motorists. As part of preventive controls traffic on the road between the village and the town Tributaries Kutenai on Tuesday to talk with the driver about the visibility and handed them reflective vests.


Reflective vests are designed for emergencies on the road. If the driver in solving technical defect or a traffic accident rises outside of the village on the road, they must always wear a reflective safety vest, which is required to be in the vehicle. A joint preventive action of the Czech Police and the Czech Office of Insurers not only aims to remind drivers that obligation, but also to draw attention to the safety of the entire crew vehicles and vehicles equipped with reflective vests passenger.


Reduced visibility when a road user clearly does not recognize vehicles, people, animals or objects on the road from dusk to dawn, fog, snowfall or heavy rain, the moment when there are accidents with often tragic consequences for health and life.


Drivers and cyclists have a legal duty to shine. Pedestrians then its visibility can greatly increase the use of reflective or fluorescent clothing parts and accessories. While pedestrian dressed in dark clothing is visible to the driver at only 18 meters road user reflective clothing is visible up to 200 meters. Maneuvering space for the driver in this case is considerably higher and the probability of collision with a pedestrian decreases significantly.

Attention drivers! Equip yourself with reflective vest

General Inspectorate of Romanian Police informs that the A2 motorway Bucharest – Constanta, between 144 and 200 kilometers, traffic is conducted in conditions of fog; visibility is less than 50 meters (sometimes). Because of fog which reduced visibility than all the A2 about a week ago there was a tragedy, four people lost their lives without any reflective clothing, another 50 were injured after a collision with 29 cars.


According to police, to avoid any accident, as well as reducing speed, increasing the distance walking and proper use of lights, in terms of highways and other specific rules must be observed:

– turn off the lanes and the emergency lane!

– in case of power failure or technical failure, turn on hazard warning lights, equip yourself with reflective vest, remove occupants off the roadway and place the triangles, one after the other, at greater distances, inform INFOTRAFIC General Inspectorate of Police Romanian.


Ministry of Health announced on Wednesday that there were hospitalized 14 wounded in the accident on the A2.

In car accident on Saturday in the Leslie they were involved 29 cars, two buses and a truck carrying people. Four people died and nearly 50 other were injured. Police advise that drivers all need to wear the safety vest to enhance the visibility for safety.

Reflective vest for the walk group

They arrive in dribs and drabs, but in less than ten minutes the square of the Pinetop station fills. They are 21 and wear a safety vest, as is now happening uninterruptedly since 3 March, every Monday and Thursday, is meeting in front of the station the people of the walkers, a few hundred people on average for a couple of hours are devoted to a walk health. Young and old, but also children on the stroller and dogs on a leash, all united by the desire to spend time together, do a little ‘healthy physical activity.


To design the “walking group” pieties, the primary cardiac surgery Atria, Antonio Macanese Santorin, fascinated by the experience made by a colleague of Terumi, he has decided to repeat the initiative even in Pinetop.


“When we started we were in 140,” said the doctor, “but then slowly, thanks to a spontaneous word of mouth, and the group grew, reaching, one spring evening, in 430 appearances. We walk every time from 6 to 9 km and it is nice to see how, through this merry party, the whole country comes alive, especially, once the tourists leave, on winter evenings. ”


The event, in fact, is known by all and also had the support of the city administration. To participate all you need is good shoes, a flashlight and a reflective vest.

“In a country where there are great opportunities to socialize,” added Macanese, “the walking group allows you to get together, learn corners of the territory that often even the residents know and have direct contact with nature. One of the most fascinating experiences, in fact, was able to walk a few weeks ago on a carpet of fireflies. Moreover, thanks to the efforts of volunteers, there is the certainty of just along the way not to be left that, however, can be done by everyone. Among our walkers we also had a sprightly 92 year-old man, as a boy of just two months in a wheelchair with her mother. ”


And, despite the decline in attendance recorded in the month of August because of the holidays, we hope to return in the next few appointments to the usual numbers.

“Walking is good and anyone can do it, wear reflective clothing will be better for safety” he concluded Macanese, “but to do so together we have more fun.”

Beware the scams of technicians fake with reflective vest

In recent days, two individuals pretended to Hera technicians dressed in suits and jackets with yellow reflective material, they played at the door of a building via 24 Maggie, asking to enter to carry out some of the control technology heating. A woman, however, did not confide and threatened to call the police, resulting in the immediate escape of two technicians fake with reflective vest. But not only were they also made attempts to telephone scam with the car crash gimmick. Elderly achieved with calls from fake members of the police informing them of an accident in one of their children or a relative, uninsured: with this excuse the elder is asked to pay a large sum, up to 500 Euros, to prevent the person involved in the incident have trouble with the law. Attempts are always intensified at the beginning of the month, when the elderly have greater availability of money, after the withdrawal of the pension.


To combat scams, the Carabineer organizes information events to the population: the last to the weekly market, frontlines Officer Silvia Guerin in reflective clothing, Captain of the Society, just at the end of November. They are also printed leaflets were also part of the Provincial Command of Rimini with all the advice to defend them better by fraudsters and raiders from the apartment.


Reflective vests are invited to school

It was in the presence who all wear the reflective vests of Didier Pierre (deputy mayor and volunteer in the association), Cathy Coffin (assistant in charge of school affairs), director Jean-Philippe and teachers of the school that the League against Violence, in the person of its president, invited to the Pierre school on the heights of the Costs-Rouges last Friday.

The aim of the meeting was to educate schoolchildren about this scourge by offering them a yellow safety vest, retro-reflective. Thus, 170 yellow children’s vests and 20 adult vests were distributed. ”

Through this action, we want to awaken young people’s awareness of road violence and try to make them responsible citizens,” says Poison. These vests, which will remain permanently at school, will protect the children when going out of school and during school outings. They will allow them to be seen and protected from vehicles when they are on foot but also when riding a bicycle to wear reflective clothing.

We also recall that the helmet is also mandatory for the under 12 years, since last March 22…

Reflective vests are invited to school

It was in the presence who all wear the reflective vests of Didier Pierre (deputy mayor and volunteer in the association), Cathy Coffin (assistant in charge of school affairs), director Jean-Philippe and teachers of the school that the League against Violence, in the person of its president, invited to the Pierre school on the heights of the Costs-Rouges last Friday.

The aim of the meeting was to educate schoolchildren about this scourge by offering them a yellow safety vest, retro-reflective. Thus, 170 yellow children’s vests and 20 adult vests were distributed. ”

Through this action, we want to awaken young people’s awareness of road violence and try to make them responsible citizens,” says Poison. These vests, which will remain permanently at school, will protect the children when going out of school and during school outings. They will allow them to be seen and protected from vehicles when they are on foot but also when riding a bicycle to wear reflective clothing.

We also recall that the helmet is also mandatory for the under 12 years, since last March 22…

Police teach primary school students about road safety

Safety vests and reflective bicycle spokes increase security

Practical classes were given the primary school pupils in the Minden Street on Tuesday morning. In the schoolyard, the police-security adviser Heike Klein and Ditmars Hess welcomed the children and parents. At dawn they demonstrated to the students how important it is, even in the dark on the road to be seen. For this, the children were given reflective vests.


Thus, it was also really vividly, the children took place in the police van and watched from there if they can recognize their classmates in the dark well. “The one sees hardly,” says the eight-year Auras. “Only with vest I can see,” he says.


Ditmars Hess grazed him over such a vest, so he is better known on the way to school. “The jackets of the children are dark and the backpacks have hardly reflectors,” says Heike Klein. “It’s just not as cool to go with a vest to school, but in this way we show the children the difference. It would be ideal, of course, if the satchel also reflected,” said Klein.


“This morning I look at as a learning unit. Once a year we welcome the police with us. The issue of security is part of the social studies,” says Vice-principal Wolfgang Mickey. Ditmars Hess explains the classic scene from the road: “Children with and without reflective vest standing about 30 meters from the police van and then the fellow students can see for themselves whether they recognize the child or not Some have safety vests with reflectors, while others do not.” says Hess. 30 meters is about the distance that needs a motorist than stopping when he was on the way with 50 kilometers per hour. The stopping distance is then obtained from the reaction time and the braking distance, so Hess.


“Dark dressed people are perceived in the dark about 25 meters before, while those with reflective clothing to a distance of about 160 meters are visible,” says Owe Hageman by Dakar. He accompanied the project and keeps at school or a lesson from. “To the children of the differences between the visibility and the dangers to explain,” he says, pointing a photo with a dark person. In addition, the traffic safety consultants had a bicycle there to show the children the importance of lighting and reflectors. “The wheel has spoken here sticks reflected each spoke. Once the tire is moved, the area lights,” Heike Klein explained to the children. “We hope to achieve with this vivid action, the children and parents and prevent accidents at dusk and dawn can,” Klein hopes for more school children who move with reflective clothing in the dark.

The new Highway Code to keep road safety

Article R234-1 of the Highway Code now provides that the driver of a public transport vehicle, the driver in safety vest holds a probationary driver’s license (3 years after obtaining the permit or 2 years in case of solo driving) and the driver of a solo driving can be an offense of driving under the influence of alcohol from the threshold of 0.20 g of alcohol per liter of blood is 0.10 mg per liter of expired air. Previous thresholds were 0.50 grams per liter and 0.25 mg per liter (always applicable thresholds for other drivers). This is in fact the “zero alcohol” (750 possible fine, suspension of driving licenses 3 years max, 6-point reduction of the driving license, immobilization of vehicle possible).


Article R 412-6-1 of the Highway Code is changed. It prohibits, in addition to the use of a hand-held phone, wearing ear, by the driver of a vehicle in traffic, any device capable of emitting sound, except for devices electronic correctors’ deafness. Derogation is provided for drivers of priority vehicles of general interest, as well as for driving instruction including motorcycles.


This is actually the prohibition of phone headsets, hands-free kits and headphones of any kind that allow, for example, listen to music. This prohibition is applicable to cyclists and motorcyclists (drivers of a vehicle) (750 fine incurred, reduction of 3 points of the driving license). Drivers need to wear reflective clothing to keep visibility. Nothing Bluetooth kit inside the vehicle remains legal.


The rest of the information currently passing loop have more to brainwashing or “warmed” What indeed smoking, applying makeup, eating, listening to loud music, and other behaviors similarly, in a vehicle?


Article R 412-6 II of the Highway Code, already former, provides that: “Any driver must keep constantly in a state and in position to conveniently execute without delay all its obligations man½uvres. The possibilities of movement and field of vision must not be reduced by the number or position of passengers transported by objects or by affixing non-transparent objects on the windows”.


It is on the basis of this article that is sanctioned behaviors above. There is no novelty (max 150 fine, immobilizing the vehicle possible: case congested rear windows).

Moreover, since 1 January 2016, the bikers will have either on them or in storage of the vehicle, Reflective vest already imposed for drivers (high visibility vest).

Was also recently created a new sign ‘No entry’ level of arterial highways, identical to the other, but on square yellow background, to avoid misinterpretation.


Finally, as regards the prohibition of smoking in the presence of minors in the vehicle: the National Assembly voted this provision certainly recently, but it is not applicable because the law is not adopted permanently.

Cycling: Helmets and safety vest will be compulsory

Until now equip their child with a helmet, safety vest or not for a bike output fell under personal assessment of the parents. As of March 22, 2017 things will change because according to a decree published in the Official Journal on 22 December 2016 it is stated:

“Outstanding, the driver and passenger of a cycle, if they are aged under 12 should be wearing a helmet complies with the regulations on personal protective equipment. This helmet must be attached.”


The Ministry of the Interior states:

“Pursuant to Action # 16 of the Inter Committee for Road Safety 2 October 2015 to reduce the severity of injuries to the face and the risks of head injuries of children practicing cycling, bike helmet and reflective clothing is compulsory for children (drivers or passengers) under 12 years.”


In the last 5 years are 1178 children under twelve who were involved in a bicycle accident. 26 were killed, 442 were injured and hospitalized, 665 were injured slightly and only 45 escaped unharmed.


In the EU, many countries have already applied the mandatory helmet.

Up to 10 years Malta

12 years: Austria, Latvia

To 15 years: Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden

Up to 16: Spain, Croatia, Estonia

Until 18 years: Czech Republic, Lithuania


The decree issued yesterday will be effective within three months so that families can be equipped properly. Adults carrying or accompanying children not wearing helmets or reflective vest will face a ticket 90 Euros.


New Ignite running reflective shoes for fall-winter

The Fall Winter 2016 Puma has added a new model, the Dual Ignite Running shoes, made with reflective material, with the dual benefit of flexibility and shock absorption in a single running shoe. Learn more here on Style & Fashion.


The Fall Winter 2016 by Puma has added a new model, the running Ignite Dual shoes, with the dual benefit of flexibility and shock absorption in a single running shoe.


Designed for medium and long distance runner, the Ignite Dual feature patented midsole Ignite Foam, which is visible on the heel and forefoot in hidden level, to ensure a return of energy over the entire length. The articulated zigzag grooves are designed so as to compress the support and the subsequent lifting of the foot. Molded EVA sock liner accommodates your foot ensuring maximum comfort to facilitate the race.


At a technical level, the outer sole has been improved by Puma to fit the natural gait of the runner. A guide groove which is extends from heel to toe and allows a more uniform transfer of the weight of the runner in the different phases of the step. The deep forefoot flex grooves add freedom of movement while the carbon rubber inserted on the heel allows a greater duration.


The characteristic of double advantage also applies to the upper with a flexible mesh of superior quality and two tones that ensures comfort, breathability. The mesh variable color and the reflective inserts add depth and dimension to the silhouette and provide greater visibility in low lighting conditions.


The look is completed by a modern graphics and catchy that it will be starring in the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio featuring reflective clothing from the race and on the podium of the federations and athletes sponsored by Puma. Ignite Dual is also available in the Ignite Dual Disc version which, while maintaining the same elements, shows changes in the design of the upper. Ignite Dual Disc is characterized by the innovative system without laces Disc Closure of PUMA, which guarantees rapid adaptability, simple and tailored by rotating the disc system. The upper is constructed with a combination of a foam comfort that extends so as to conform to the foot and a knitted net which ensures breathability and depth.


The color combination and Ignite Dual Graphic also appears in the Apparel Collection which offers functionality and style: all the heads are equipped with the innovative technology Drywell able to keep the skin dry by giving maximum comfort during workouts. Among the novelties of the season stand out: the T-Shirt Graphic Shorts Sleeves Tee is made with mesh panels that contribute to the circulation of air in heat zones and reflective details provide superior visibility in poor lighting conditions; Vent the jacket Thermo-R Runner Jacket adapts to the movement and facilitates through an innovative design, lightweight and thermo regulating.


The Soft-shell windproof material protects from the cold during the race, while the high voltage areas in the garment allow ventilation, to maintain a feeling of freshness during the race and heat when at rest; the lightweight shorts 2-in-1 Short has a rear zip pocket with waterproof coating, laminate, to ensure that the objects kept inside remain dry while the reflective fabric details complete the design offering greater visibility.