The action to improve the safety of cyclists

Last weekend, 1-2 July 2017, a picnic for cyclists was held to raise awareness among cyclists and car drivers. The whole action is under the patronage of the Ministry of Interior and Administration. Everyone will receive a safety vest.


Family picnic with a town of attractions for spectators and cyclists was part of the weekend event organized by the Police Headquarters. The event was supposed to pay attention to the safety level of cyclists. The statistics in which you were wounded or killed are terrifying.


According to the data on the KGP website from January to May 2017, fans of two wheels participated in 2628 accidents and collisions. As a result, 138 cyclists died and 2,379 were injured, most of them are not wearing the reflective clothing. According to the Chief Police Headquarters, collisions involving cyclists occur most often during improper maneuvering.


The cyclists themselves are also not guilty. Their negligible knowledge of traffic regulations can lead to extremely dangerous situations. Like the one in Gliwice, when the cyclist collided with a passenger car. It turned out that the lover of the two wheels ignored the road signs and drove down the street, right under the wheels of an oncoming car.


Sedro during the weekend picnic also encouraged cyclists to use reflective vests significantly increasing their visibility on the road and helmets. This last element, with possible collision with vehicles, can save the head from serious injuries.


The articles to improve the safety of cyclists

EMV now offers a battery of items designed to improve the safety of cyclists because they are equipped with LED direction indicators and safety vest that can be seen by pedestrians and other vehicles more easily. In a social context like the current one in which the run-ins to cyclists, unfortunately, are too frequent, this new promotion can help to prevent accidents and will undoubtedly increase the safety of cyclists.


Specifically, the newspaper presents three different products for cyclists with LED address indicators. They are intended to ensure that the cyclist’s safety is as great as possible, in order to avoid accidents, and make driving safer. It is a backpack with reservation coupon one reflective vest, with reserve coupon and one rear seat bag for 39.99, with reserve coupon. To be able to make the reservation will have to deliver 5 Euros. The reservation coupon will always appear on the advertising page.


Technical characteristics

The 3 items have 4 lights: turn to the left, turn to the right, driving forward and stop (emergency lights). The remote control is placed on the handlebar of the bike to use it easily and quickly. It is programmed once and, if the battery is not discharged, there is no need to reprogram.


Additional Information

Vests, backpacks and bags for cyclists. The novelty is that they indicate the direction you are going to take, or if you are going to continue going straight. As if they were the turn signals of a car. They include a control that is placed on the handlebar. Pressing it, the light indicates the direction you are going to take, or if on the contrary, you will continue in a straight line.


According to the studies of the Pone Freon platform, one third of cyclists without reflective clothing have ever had an accident, increasing up to 45% in those who use it every day. These percentages, so alarming, are not due to the imprudence of cyclists since only 40% of accidents are attributable to cyclists. Bikers and cyclists are the most vulnerable, their accidents being much more serious than those of other types of vehicles are. In recent days, in addition, in the Communicate Valencia there has been a series of deadly abuses of cyclists, who have to make us aware of the fragility of the cyclist.


Success model for a safe school path

A total of twelve children arrive at the four stops this morning – even a special stop sign was set up for this. Mother Timken reports: “Every family is one or two times a week to accompany the children. Every child wears a safety vest and has a ticket which is tapped at the destination. ”


The head of the Mariachi, Andreas, regards the parents ‘initiative as a good thing: “This clever idea guides the children to cope with their own path of schooling.” He could also understand parents’ cares well. Fearer would always make it difficult for the children to come safely across the street and there was really a lot of traffic. “It is best to have the parents do the right behavior with their children on other occasions with their children and to discuss dangerous situations, wear reflective clothing will be helpful” recommends Sobering. As a challenge for the children, Mother Julia also sees the long way to school: “But the bus on legs is a huge relief for us parents, especially when you have several children.” In the morning, two adults always accompany the bus “the kids are great.”


Nevertheless, such a large “vehicle” has to master bottlenecks. Timken reports: “As a bus, we can barely overtake, and similarly, other students and drivers sometimes feel more of an obstacle.” And so all participants in reflective vest are asked to ask other passengers: Always keep enough distance and pass as slowly as possible along the bus.


ADAC hands over safety tests to Linzer

First-year students will soon be back in the dark in the autumn and often master their own path for the first time. It is not only the school path that has to be a routine. Also wearing a safety vest for better visibility should become a matter of course.


Therefore, it is “quite bright” when the first-graders regularly wear the safety jerseys of the ADAC “Geber Engel” Foundation on their way to school or in their spare time. Children often cannot correctly estimate road hazards, as their physical size lacks an overview. Similarly, the directional hearing is not pronounced and the field of view is restricted. Thus the approaching traffic “from the eye angle” cannot always be recognized.


60 first graders, the mayor Elementary School in Linz got bright eyes, as they Chief Operating Officer of ADAC Middle Rhine, Rudi Speech, head of Herbert Fuss, first Assistant Secretary Thomas Balsas, Bernd Dietrich by Deutsche Post AG and road safety officer of the police station Linz, Nadine, the striking West as well as small further gifts. Rudi Speech appealed especially to the parents to make their children more visible: “bright and reflective clothing, like our safety vest, contributes to this.”


The accident rates with children are still very high. In 2015 alone, 28,235 children under the age of 15 were killed in traffic, 84 of them died. In children between six and nine years, 7,671 children were involved in an accident, 20 were killed. Common causes: the kids are just too late. Particularly endangered here are the newcomers, who still have no or only a few experiences as traffic participants, first have to get to know their school path.


Rudi also made this clear in his speech. “We hope that our action will result in fewer accidents, because the ADAC is particularly important to our children. And the best protection is to be seen well. “However, it was important that Speech said emphatically to the children,” that you are always careful with reflective Vest “. In total, the ADAC will distribute 22,233 safety vests to the youngest of the 615 primary schools this fall.


Police in safety vest visited the families of the orphanage

Policemen wear reflective vest visited the family home at Konawa is home to one of three family homes “Ewe”.

There were many topics to talk about: safe moving around the city, paying attention to strangers, dangerous scams and respect for the other person.


Children were particularly interested in what the police were doing with regard to minors. The policewoman in reflective clothing gave them some positive and negative examples to keep children and adolescents able to influence their whole lives.


There was also a discussion about the relationship between the household members. There was talk of respect, mutual help, and the building of good family climates that help each other. Children got educational booklets, reflective items and safety vests.

Why they equipped with reflective vest

A group of activists from the Wroclaw against Hunters group blocked hunting in Legnica. Equipped with reflective vests and crossed-out slogans, they claimed they had come for a walk. Hunters tried to get rid of the protesters, but eventually capitulated.


Activists from the group Wroclaw against the Hunters appeared in the Legnica forest at the time of the hunt. They claimed they had come for a walk, when the hunters were out and ready for hunting. The hunters, however, did not give up and called on the police.


Intervention of the officers in safety vest ended with the recording of activists, but it was allowed to stay in the forest. Finally, the hunters stepped down and left the forest. According to the organizer of the action, everything took place culturally. “Well, only one of them recommended a visit to a psychiatrist,” he recounted.


This is another action of animal defenders recently. Recently, the BASTA Animal Initiative has blocked hunting in West Pomerania. Meanwhile, the government is introducing regulations that allow hunting of animals in reserves, which does not appeal to the hunter itself. Contrary to popular belief, they without reflective clothing do not intend to shoot anything that lives in knives. Anxiety awakens the inscription that hunting can now take place where animals have been safe until now. Even worse, the district veterinarian can even take a stand alone decision.


Keep Safety with reflective clothing on two wheels

Summer is the best season for cycling. When the two wheel drive devotees leave the masses, the risk of collisions will be increases. We advise how to take care of your safety with reflective clothing and enjoy the pleasure of two wheels.


In 2015, the number of accidents involving cyclists amounted to 14 105. As a result, 303 drivers were killed, one injured, 1 445 injured and slightly 3 038. What to do to not become part of the police statistics? How to prepare yourself and bike for the summer season?


Visibility for other road users is one of the key security issues. Different types of lights represent three of the five elements listed in the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure as mandatory for each bike. At least one spotlight white or yellow at the front and two red rear-light reflectors in the shape other than the triangle and one position light are required. In addition, if the monologue design prevents signaling the direction of travel by hand, direction indicators are required.


To improve your safety, it is also advisable to use reflective vest, accessories, and other such over-the-counter equipment. This is an example of the best. – This year, new reflective training jerseys have been set up by the players of our team. As shown by the recent months, well-visible clothing positively influences the safety of cyclists during training sessions that take place under very varied conditions – both in terms of weather and time of day, sports director of the Trek-Sugared team. – Especially when visibility is limited for example because of fog, rain or late time, visible from afar the shirt in bright, reflective colors turns out to be very useful – adds the expert. For amateurs of cycling, this is very important equipment when moving outside the built-up area. As it turns out, the obligation to wear reflective clothing on a bicycle was introduced in France and Lithuania, for example. Appropriate t-shirts or vests are required by law outside the built-up area and after dark. In our own personal safety it is worth remembering that the reflective tape should be part of the garment or be mounted in a way that is visible to other participants in the movement.


In addition to the above mentioned lighting components, the required bicycle equipment includes “at least one effective brake” and a “bell or other tampering sound”. However, the appropriate equipment is one, and the technical condition of the vehicle is second. Therefore, all active amateurs of two wheels are recommended to thoroughly clean the chain once a season – clean the chain, pump the wheels, adjust the brakes and derailleur. And above all, to fix any possible defects caused by the previous season.


Without reflective vests do not go abroad

When traveling to France, we need a tester of alcohol in the car. But if we do not have it, the police wear safety vest will not give us a fine for a large discussion. This is one of the many differences in regulations in individual European countries. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to these differences before and before the journey. For other misdemeanors we will get the fine.


Virtually all countries should have a warning vest in the car, for everyone in the car, extra hand and not in the trunk under the luggage. But in a number of countries, we also have something extra in the car. “Fire extinguishers can ask for us in Poland, but it is usual in southern countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and so on. As for some specialists, in Spain, if you use dipodic glasses, you can be fined for not having a substitute, “says Igor of ÚAMK.


In all the countries where we usually go, we have to make a phone call behind the hands free, but according to Peter Womack there is no hand free like hands free. “If we go to Greece, the hands free earphone set is not allowed via Bluetooth, but only fixed in the vehicle. So if we have hands free in our ear, it’s taken as if we were using a normal phone. ”


Different rules also apply to daytime running lights, and here are the technical regulations. “In the case of daytime running lights, the tail lights must be lit in Hungary. So the red lights must shine with those LEDs we’ve done. This does not apply to vehicles equipped with reflective clothing and daytime running lights already at the factory, “says Petro.


We will also have the appropriate equipment for any evening walks on the holiday site. “In the European Union there is a newly introduced duty to wear reflective elements outside the built-up area as a pedestrian and for reduced visibility. For example, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and other countries are preparing for it.


As a matter of fact, reflective tapes are enough; we do not have to walk around the sea directly in reflective vests. Different rules await bikers in many countries. “For example, in Bulgaria, bikers have to wear a reflective vest. In France, a helmet with reflective elements is needed, a first-aid kit in Austria. It must be packed against dust, “he explains.


For example, in popular Croatia and other countries it is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 on a motorcycle, and especially a moped. And then it pays off to look at the obvious thing – speed limits. Ordinary tolerance by Igor Sired, plus ten, is no longer the case. “It mostly worked, but unfortunately no longer, so Austria, for example, very strictly announced that it would tolerate plus five and no more. Well, it’s not just Austria. “And generally, we’ll get a fine of 30 to 40 Euros for a slight overrun.

Pupils received reflective tapes

No pedestrians or cyclists on the roads are unnecessarily risk-free. Mainly under bad light conditions, drivers are poorly visible. Reflective elements were also recently received by schoolchildren in the municipalities.


For example, Timor Rajeev, who attends the fifth grade at primary school, praises a useful gift. “It’s super. In the morning I go to school myself, I think it will help me, I will see more, “he recounts. Just like eighteen hundred other children from the region on Thursday, he received reflective tapes and handcuffs and briefcase.


Safety features were handed over by representatives of Hyundai, which has been working with 13 neighboring communities since the beginning, thanks to the Good Neighbors program. “This year we have arrived with a traffic safety project, starting in the autumn, so it will soon dim, the morning is still dark. Reflective material increase pedestrian safety in many ways, making it an effective contribution to active child safety, “says Pert.


Policemen like this. According to them, reflexive elements are brought to the attention of both pedestrians and cyclists who can save their lives. “It is obvious that education is important. People are aware of how to protect themselves, “says Daniela of the Regional Police Directorate.” We assume that children will learn to increase their security from their parents, school, but the more they repeat, the more hope they get they remember it for the future. ”


While cyclists remember the law, pedestrians do not have the obligation to illuminate or to designate a reflective supplement. However, experts from BESIP warn that a black man sees the driver at night seven times shorter than a pedestrian with reflective clothing. “Any activity for child safety is welcome from us. We have other news, the village was built on the sidewalks, there is a new pedestrian crossing before the school “, says director school Igor Solvate.

Crashed pedestrian without reflective elements

As of February 20 this year, pedestrians traveling outside the community have a duty to be equipped for reduced visibility by reflective elements. If the pedestrian does not have and has become a participant in a traffic accident, the insurance company may withdraw from the cash benefit.


“Every accident is judged individually. However, if a direct connection is established between the fact that the pedestrian has not fulfilled his statutory duty and the accident, then the driver can be fully developed or the pedestrian can be described as the co-driver of the accident, “said lawyer Jan. According to him, this is a breakthrough in the accident assessment, because earlier, for every similar accident, the driver was primarily judged.


If the “invisible” pedestrian, the driver who could not see the visibility of the visibility, becomes the main culprit, the insurance company then defends financial compensation.

“It must be borne in mind that if a road accident investigation proves that a pedestrian under reduced visibility outside the village was not legally designated reflective by law, then the insurance company may reduce or even refuse to pay damages from the liability of the driver who was involved in that traffic accident Participated, “Grail spokeswoman of the insurance company General confirmed to Novena.


The obligation to wear reflective clothing on the roads between municipalities was introduced this February. This year, 16 pedestrians died in October this year, in November 11. Last year it was 31, four more. Experts say the most critical months are October, November, and December.


The reflective element must be visible to all other road users. “For this reason, we recommend placing a reflex tape on the shin in the area above the ankle or on the wrist. We always put it on the right side, “says Martin, head of BESIP, with enough reflective vests to be bought not only on the Internet but also in the shops.