Here comes the obligation of reflective vest for all the riders who will travel the French roads.
Are you going to pass along the beautiful French roads during the upcoming motorcycle season? If so, you must remember to bring the reflective jacket with you. A law recently approved by the Government over the Alps made it obligatory – as from 1 January 2016 – the presence of many motorcycles, scooters (with two or three wheels) and light quadricycle with bodywork (like the quads) of the high visible vest.
A law criticized
The rule, harshly criticized by the FFMC, French was strongly supported by the executive, which, to ensure greater safety on the roads, has decided to impose the presence of the fluorescent yellow jacket also in the vehicles listed above in order to increase the visibility of their drivers in case of stop along the roadway.
Penalties for those who do not have it
If the rule becomes similar to that imposed on motorists, as such it will be the fate of those who will be without during a check of the French Police Force: in both cases the penalty will go from 11 to 135 Euros. In the absence of the vest to put on the technical leaders, it is considered valid even the high visibility garment, provided they respect the European standards EN 1150 and EN 471 (located on the label). Moreover, it is clear, it is not obligatory on him to keep his head in normal driving conditions, but only in case of accident or failure or poor visibility as fog or heavy rain. Just like the cars, the important thing is it with him always.