Pedestrians and cyclists with dark clothes are practically invisible to motorists at dusk. On jackets and trousers reflective elements increase not only the visibility on the road; they can be life-saving. The facts, the BG ETEM supplies in the new “pulse”.
The number of the injured in road traffic pedestrians and cyclists is loud high accident statistics for years and does not get much back. More than 77,700 cyclists suffered an accident in 2015. 383 died there or the consequences. One of the possible causes of an accident: They were seen too late.
The trade association energy, textile, electrical and media products (BG ETEM) wants to prevent that. In the new issue of prevention medium “pulse – the newspaper for all employees” it is therefore among other things visibility on the road – wear a reflective vest is important to enhance visibility and keep safe, an issue that especially in the dark winter months is very important, because many workers travel daily by bicycle in the operations.
Especially the so-called “vulnerable road users” – pedestrians and cyclists – are at risk due to lack of crumple zone. You must ensure that they are perceived by motorists at an early stage. A good way for pedestrians and cyclists to make the visible at long distances, are reflective clothing or reflective elements on clothing. Who bears these is visible to motorists according to a study of up to 150 meters. In comparison, even white clothes can be seen in the dark only to 50 meters. In colorful or even dark clothing are pedestrians and cyclists, which move in the winter in the early morning and late evening hours on the road, virtually invisible to motorists.