The National Road Safety Council has just made its recommendation on the retro reflective vest motorcycle. Required (at least under the seat), do not wear it if need be fined in the amount of 35 €.
The NSRF therefore comes to shell its recommendations to the Ministry of Interior. Unsurprisingly, the new (not so new) one size of license plates and the transport of a retro reflective vest the Optional Port will figure prominently.
Even sanction an oversight flashing
It is by the end of the year that the recommendations will be, or not transposed into legislation, but the NSRF therefore formally proposed this morning that the obligation to have a retro-reflective jacket to be extended bikers and scooter riders.
Article R416-19 of the Highway Code
“The driver must be of a high visibility vest complies with regulations when it is brought out of a stationary vehicle on the road or its surroundings after an emergency stop. In traffic, the driver must have this vest at hand. ”
Warning, if no penalty will be applicable in case of non-presentation of this vest during a check, the non-use when necessary can be suppressed, as for motorists, with a fine.
To date, this is a 4th class fine but the NSRF proposes lowering it to a second class. Either 35 € fine for any motorcyclist or scooter driver which would not vest retro reflective is following an accident or an emergency stop. As much as a change of direction without blinking, it’s really dangerous act, very common and rarely (never?)
We will monitor the implementation of these proposals in the coming months, as the reactions of manufacturers, who already had to get rid of stocks armbands made for France before the cancellation of the project.
The 4 mandatory retro-reflective stickers on the helmet (under penalty of € 135 fine) are there to provide nighttime visibility of the biker when he is not on his motorcycle. Under such conditions, it therefore surprising that wearing the vest with a reflective vest in case of emergency stop is extended to motorcyclists. Unless it is considered bad mind to think that yellow waistcoat in the pipes for years, needs to be carefully imposed, regardless of what the moaners and statistics.