Reflective accessory prevent traffic injury

Lithuanian police invite Lithuanian residents to be on the road more human, more tolerant and caring. Officials urge to think not only about themselves but also about the safety of others. People are encouraged to behave on the road under all security Statistics announced that the world’s roads each year kills about 1.3 million people.

Up to 50 million people injured without reflective accessories and left disabled. In developed countries, mortality from injuries is 3 places in accordance with the cause of death. The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020. Road death toll could rise to 1.9 million.

Despite the fact that over the past 20-30 years, the European Union countries reduces injuries and better implementation of safety measures in all European Union Member injury remains the leading child and adolescent causes of death.

Unsafe speed and aggressive driving, driving while intoxicated and tired, ignoring seat belts, technically irregular use of the car, and respect for other road users and the lack of accidents – this lethal cocktail of the European Union’s roads every year kills about 40 thousand. People’s lives, and for unintentional injuries each year needlessly killed about 10 000 children. It registered a total of 3,312 traffic accidents, fatalities – 297, wounded 3975th.

Globally, road traffic crashes have become the leading cause of death among 15-29 year old young people. Almost half of them are killed on roads by pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists. Many people were injured, frequent remained lifelong disability.

However, in order to prevent very effectively helps used measures that reduce child victims of unintentional injuries, the number, for example:

Children’s car seats possession against the direction of travel – 90-95% less injuries;

Vehicle speed limit to 32 km / h. Entering zones – 70% fewer deaths;

In a global Decade of Road Safety Action Plan is a defined area of ​​the main lines of action, which could save hundreds of lives and Lithuania. Lithuania also contributes to the World Health Organization Road Safety Decade for 2011-2020. And supports the WHO initiative around the world to stabilize and reduce fatalities and trauma roads. It is important to contribute to raising awareness and a more cultured traffic participant educates various public groups.

It is necessary to constantly educate Lithuanian citizens behave safely on the road, wearing reflectors, seat belts, cycling – helmet, teach choose a safe speed and driving while intoxicated.

Improving the licensing and training system, with a special focus on young novice drivers (first aid compulsory education quality, these skills upgrading every few years). The aging of European society is increasingly important to keep elderly people’s right to mobility and the needs of older road users.

Important continuous work with children, learning how to safely cross the street safely rides a bike, the importance of wearing helmets and carrying reflectors.

For students it is important enough to develop road safety skills: provide risky traffic situations; to detect and evaluate sources of danger; formation of the traffic situation in an image; function properly – make the right decision.

Education on road safety issues important to include the mandatory training programs and carry out all the compulsory school attendance period.

Health education and disease prevention center reminds parents that our small – sensitive users, who are often injured on the road. Each of us must ensure that our children reach school safely and return home safely.

Safe routes to and from school (Parenting):

Teach your children how to behave letter (“zebra”) and the regulated pedestrian crossings and intersections. The child needs to know that in order to cross the street, it must first stop, and first look to the left, then right, then left again and convinced that the way is clear, go across the street. Do not go across the street at a red traffic light.

Explain to your child what traffic lights what it means to the driver and pedestrian.

Particular, it is important to go at a time when, in fact, will be the lessons start and end, efforts should be made to keep things real.

Do not allow one child to go home after the first day of school. Later also regularly check whether it behaves as you learned together, whether it affects the behavior of other children. Make sure the child on the road no new hazardous locations such as construction sites.

Keep in mind that the greatest influence on a child doing your own behavior on the street, so it always shows the good example! Praise your child and let him in vain for something to fear. Sometimes the transformed roles – Allow the child to bring you to the school and on the way to show dangerous places. Thus, to find out which local child looks unsafe and can cause problems.

Select the safest way to school and back, even if it is slightly longer. Small bypass can significantly reduce the risk.

Explain to your child that pedestrian crossings marked “Zebra” and regulated the traffic light; you need to be careful, because a lot of drivers still fail to comply with traffic rules.

Make sure that your child always go out of the house on time and do not rush him. Yes it nepridarys reckless mistakes.

If you can, let your child go to school or return home alone, especially if you live in the countryside.

Before starting your child to use public transport or school bus, you need to practice. Drive several times with your child and teach him how to behave in public transport, going to the station and anticipation.

Make sure that the child would go out of the house in time to stop and go without rushing. If a child is late to press ahead and fear, his behavior may be unpredictable and reckless.

It should not be forgotten that they must keep a safe distance from the roadway, out the door and climbing into a vehicle.

Constantly remind your child that street or road you can go just for a bus or other vehicle and walking must be especially careful. Best of all – wait until the vehicle run away.

It is very important that children wear bright clothing and have light reflectors.

The child’s clothes or sew attach additional reflectors. Reflectors can be trailed, like the backpack. Such reflectors can be seen from all sides.

When buying a jacket, shoes and other clothing, pay attention to the fact that its components are made of reflective materials. Then you will be sure that the child will be on the road already visible from afar.

Children from birth learn to imitate, so it is very important that adults, especially show them a good example. After all, children can see and emulate both desirable and undesirable adult behavior patterns. This is why you go on foot and riding a bike or car, only to show the kids a good example.