This is one of the golden rules of road safety. The police will conduct numerous checks, essentially preventive throughout the department.
Captain Pascal Vidrequinest the commander of the squadron departmental road safety. It exposes the device that will be in place this Monday, January 25, in Maryanne.
Why organize prevention “Well see and be seen”?
The days are getting shorter and unfortunately every year accidents occur involving pedestrians or cycle. Many people are unaware that since 2008, wearing retro-reflective vest is mandatory for motorcycles and cyclists with reflective clothing, open road. Not to notice her on a road at night or in foggy weather, may cost you your life, and endangering the lives of others, whether by car, bike or on foot.
How will unfold that day?
Eighty police will mobilize. They will be present throughout the day and basically when visibility is reduced from 7 to 9 am, and 17 am to 20 pm. Motorists, cyclists, pedestrians will be sensitized about thirty checkpoints set up throughout the department. We also recall the importance of controlling its visual faculties: the view is the most sought direction for driving.
What do you monitor?
The lighting of vehicles is in particular, the proper functioning of traffic lights. We will also verify that people put out their flashing at intersections. This is a preventive action. Moreover, we propose an alternative to prosecution; people will have five days to come into compliance. This, however, concern only minor offenses: all is not allowed. We will, as a safety vest for people who do not have and give to schoolchildren neon keychain to hang on the satchel.