How about a bee raincoat for children’s traffic safety?

Under the theme of “Protecting children from traffic accidents with fashion,” students at the Bunka Fashion College, a vocational school, created stylish “child safety clothes” that are easy for drivers to see. On the 5th, there was a final review meeting at the same school, and “honey bee raincoat” was selected as a Grand Prix from works using fluorescent fabrics and reflective tapes.

Fabric for work clothes transforms for children

Rainwear with the image of Sentai Heroes and vests for men and women combining denim and fluorescent fabrics. At the judging committee, 10 teams from first-year fashion engineering basic courses presented their work.

Clothes using reflective fabrics and fluorescent fabrics are called “high visibility safety clothes” and there are official standards for adults such as vests worn by road workers, but there are many color and design restrictions, It is difficult to apply for children.

From May this year, students took lectures and conducted market research to work on clothing design and production. A popular vote was held by visitors at the cultural festival last month, and the top 10 teams faced the judging.

Represent the bee stripe pattern with reflective material

In the review, 11 experts inside and outside the university, such as traffic safety education organizations and apparel officials, comprehensively evaluated points such as “I want to wear and I want to wear” in addition to safety and fashion.

Grand Prix raincoat designed bee color and shape. It is a conspicuous color of yellow and black. The waterproof cover on the back that can cover the school bag has an image of transparent wings and a flower on the bottom. Leader Momoka Kudo (19) said, “I wanted to make use of the features of bees, such as the roundness of the buttocks and stripes, in the design. It was difficult to sew the reflectors together.”

Commitment is the second year this year. The school was sponsored by the Nissenken Quality Evaluation Center, which promotes the spread of safety clothing.

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