Did you know that the reflexes also go out of date?

Autumn means that it is dark in the early morning and evening. Also, there can be extra demanding driving conditions, with rain and wet roads that almost extinguish all light.

Under such conditions, it is of utmost importance that all pedestrians use reflexes.

Statistics from the Norwegian Public Roads Administration show that a third of pedestrian accidents occur in the dark. In the period 2005 to 2014, 40 percent of traffic accidents involving pedestrians occurred in the dark.

During the same period, statistics show that half of the pedestrians who died in road accidents did not use reflective vests.

It’s not just food that has the best before date. Reflections are also fresh and should be replaced more often than many people think. Bad reflexes can be dangerous to traffic, Tryg Forsikring believes.

“This is because you behave differently when you think you are protected from reflex. According to the road authorities, reflex has a life span of over three years. Reflections on children often get harsh momentum through play. And if you, as an adult, have the reflex in your pocket along with car keys, there is often so much scratching in the reflex that the effect deteriorates considerably. At our home we exchange reflexes every fall,” says Espen Opedal, manager of Tryg Forsikring.

Thursday, October 17 is National Reflection Day this year. The use of reflex reduces the risk of being hit in the dark by 85 percent. Even if you see the car, it is difficult for the motorist to see you if you are walking in the dark without reflex. The little lifeguard is cheap life insurance.

“If you walk along the road in the dark without reflex, you are first visible to the motorist at a distance of 25 meters. With reflex, you will be seen at 140 meters distance, with a dipped beam. A driver at 50 km / h thus has ten seconds instead of two seconds to respond. It can be the difference between life and death. Therefore, you should spend 15 seconds wearing one or more reflexes before going out in the dark,” says Opal, in a press release.

How do you check if the old reflex still works properly?

“All worn reflectors have a reduced effect, including integrated reflections in children’s and exercise clothes, which are often subject to wear through rough use, and which are washed frequently. To check if the reflex is still good, test in a dark room. Light the reflex with a flashlight and compare it with a new reflex. Those who reflect light poorly should be replaced,” says Opal.

Most accidents happen in cities when people cross the street. Lights from cars and shop windows compete for attention and make it difficult to see pedestrians without reflective materials.

Many people think that reflective tapes are not necessary when walking in areas with street lights. That’s wrong. When it is dark outside, it is difficult for the motorist to see you, even in street lighting. If it also rains, it is even harder to see you along the way.

Surveys conducted by Trygg Trafikk show that only 4 out of 10 adults use reflex. The worst adults are over 30 years of age. The best are children.

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