In Norway, 29 percent use reflex on average. In the three northernmost counties, the average is up to 38 percent. This is confirmed by Project Manager in Trygg Trafikk, Carina Henske.
“I expect it has something to do with dark time, but we are generally too bad to use reflex in Norway,” she says.
For this reason, Trygg Trafikk wants an order to use reflexes in the country. Some care, others don’t.
It may be a good idea, should we believe Karlsson on Jula. He is happy that many people use reflex, but have a clear idea of who does not use.
“The youth gives a shit fuck. To me, it’s scary that people think so differently,” he emphasizes.
And he’s not alone in that thought. In Safe Traffic you are aware of the problem.
“Youth is a difficult target group, but I think there are just as many adults who reflex,” says Henske.
At least two reflexes
She recommends having at least one reflex on each side of the body.
“Certainly at knee height on moving parts. A hang reflex or a strap up is good, four reflexes are superb,” she says.
Henske sees no tendency that there is a new trend in reflex use, but that more and more people use the vest.
“We want an order for reflexes in traffic, but it is not unknown that people are afraid to ‘destroy’ the outfit with a reflective vest over. But there are alternatives, we should believe Henske.”
Now there are more and more garments with sewn-in reflex. Then it quickly gets a little cooler.
She also brings out the so-called “microflexes” as figures and other small objects that can be used as a reflex. Although we are better at using reflexes in Northern Norway, many believe that people are too poor to travel safely in traffic.
Led tapes
A quick visit to some of Bodo’s stores shows that it is the reflective vest with reflective tape that sells best when it comes to reflex equipment.
“Especially kindergartens want the kids most visible,” says Eldar Andrè Stendal.
He is the store manager at Europris Morkved and believes that several also swear to so-called joint bands with reflective material where there are flashing lights inside the reflex that you wrap around your arm or foot.
“People are also interested in luminous figures that are often hung on a jacket or backpack,” he continues.