Children from Vidin celebrated the road safety day

Under the slogan “Life is an advantage,” the children from Zornitsa Kindergarten in Vidin toured the park of Vidin and crossed the street, acquainted with the basic rules for road traffic. The initiative is from the Regional Health Inspectorate – Udine, in connection with the European Road Safety Day, which is celebrated on 25 July.

According to statistics, the elderly and children are the most at-risk groups of pedestrians, especially in the dark part of the day. “Many of the crashes with children are due to the management of mopeds, bicycles, and four-wheelers purchased from their parents. They must be more responsible when they are put on the road by these vehicles,” Dr. Mariana Chavdarova.

“We decided to have a holiday together with the kids today. We left kindergarten, we wanted to have some vehicles, but since the children are 4-5 years old, we chose drones, drove around, crossed a street where I explained to them how the street is crossed and what are the traffic rules. We were joined by SBA representatives who gave them reflective vests and key chains. To my great pleasure, the children know the basic rules for crossing ” added Dr. Chavdarova.

Teaching our children important rules and norms of behavior is a primary responsibility of every parent. Some of them are the rules of the road. Safe movement is a way of saving the lives of our children as well as our own lives.

Today’s initiative ended with wishes for a carefree and safe summer.

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