The Ternopol prophylactics summarize “Safe way to school with Ant”.
It was an intense but very nice working time for the policemen of the Department of Prevention and Traffic of the City Headquarters in Tarnow. For over a month, police prophylactics with the mascot company SUFIGS – the great Ant, taught the first graders how to safely reach and return home from school. They also handed out reflective vests, making children aware of the need to wear them while moving along roads at dusk.
Thanks to reflective vests which made by reflective tape for clothing funded by SUFIGS with headquarters in Tarnow, the police, and the ant reached this year up to 2,000 first grade students in 78 primary schools in Tarnow. To meet with children, they traveled 1800 kilometers.
Every day, the police visited several schools where they met with children who in September began their adventure with the school. Everywhere there, they conducted classes, teaching the youngest how to be aware and all safe participants in the road traffic. The colorful ant gave away reflective materials and sweets.
Children learned the basic rules of the road, learned how to cross the street, safekeeping near it, and when traveling by car. First graders also used the acquired information in a practical way, training under the supervision of police officers crossing the road.
Yesterday, on the last day of action, police officers with an ant visited the Primary School. Like everywhere they appeared, they met with an enthusiastic reception of freshmen, who at the sight of the great ant was smiling from ear to ear.
Recall that the action “Safe way to school with an ant” was inaugurated by the Municipal Police Headquarters in 2016. This year, thanks to the huge support of SUFIGS and the purchase of educational materials, it has been expanded to include new schools, covering all first-year students.
Thank you very much to the action partner – SUFIGS, for invaluable help, school principals for openness and kindness, and our beloved children for their commitment and activity during classes – and remember:
REFLECTIVES – they save lives and health!