At the national level, this tragedy had concurred with another involving also five firefighters in Paris, victims of flash over (blazing generalized flash). Interior Minister Nicolas Sarcoxie then launched a municipal security inspection. “It has led to the development of a health and safety commission for all Sid at the national level, and the birth of an accident prevention investigation bureau” with a predominance of experience feedback.
And if the Dome was content with these measures, she did not content herself with it. “Work has been conducted with the ASF on the procedures for interventions on motorways”, with the birth of the one that becomes part of the daily firefighters Dome: the safety vehicle. Yellow in color, similar to that of the Canadair’s, it is positioned upstream of the interventions. “It is visible day and night, sunny weather as fog. It is equipped with LED reflective vests, ramps, a variable message sign. We took the choice to ensure our own security while awaiting the arrival of the protection services. ”
The utility of the security vehicle quickly asserted itself on the national and departmental roads. “We have 20 that benefit from reinforcement, especially in rural areas, of multipurpose light-duty vehicles with a markup function. ”
The outfits have also evolved. “From now on, every firefighter has his own high visibility vest, yellow or orange. It is compulsory for each intervention. “Consideration of new equipment was accompanied by a rise in power of our health and safety department, with action recognized at the national level – territorial price of the Gazette does communes in 2007 – what is the plan? Road risks.
“It’s a global approach intended to limit accidents, both in intervention and training, or during personal time. For volunteer firefighters as professionals. All the employees of the structure are concerned. “explains the service manager Alain Judge. “Let us hurry with caution or wear a safety clothing” is now the watchword of a whole profession. Or how a tragedy saved lives.