If two people go on the bikes, the companion must wear a reflective vest. In addition, the patent will have to be printed on the helmet. Know all the measures. The Government announced on Thursday a series of changes to the regulatory decree of the Traffic Law, tending to provide greater security against the type of theft of motorcycles.
Among the measures that will govern throughout the country for the control of more than 7 million motorcycles, is the obligation to have identification of the patent in both the driver and passenger’s helmets, and in a high visibility vest, if necessary. Circulate two people.
These requirements will be accompanied by coordination with the service stations, which will not be able to refuel those who do not comply with the regulations. This initiative, which already rules in the province of Buenos Aires, is very low performance, according to the stationers.
The new regulations are based on the diagnosis that indicates that most of the illegal acts perpetrated by motorcyclists without fluorescent vest are carried out when more than one person is transferred.