A brochure collects safety tips for cyclists.

The Government of Navarra has published a brochure, with the motto “Live safely by bike”, with safety vest and recommendations for cyclists, a group that between 2010 and 2015 has recorded 169 accidents in Navarra, with 12 people dead, 38 severe injuries and 124 minor injuries.


The triptych, which has been edited 32,000 copies, has versions in Spanish (24,000 units) and Esker (8,000 units), emphasizes the use of helmet, visibility (lighting, clothing and reflective), avoiding distractions (Use of mobile phones and headphones) and not to drive under the effects of alcohol and / or drugs.


It will be distributed in educational centers, health centers, cycling clubs (through the Cycling Federation of Navarre), bicycle sales and repair shops, Polo Park, and other entities and groups related to cycling. The publication of this publication is one of the initiatives taken within the working group on cycling safety created a year ago in the framework of the NavarreĀ Road Safety Strategy.


Helmet use reduces mortality by 85%

As regards the helmet, the publication recalls that its use is always mandatory for children less than 16 years of age and, in the case of older people, when traveling by road. The hull must be well secured and must be approved by the EC. As he recalls, helmet use reduces mortality by 85% and risk of head injuries by 70%. Distractions are the first cause of accident and the elements that are most frequently involved in it are the mobile phone and the headset. In addition, the use of both objects is prohibited when cycling.


Ensuring visibility is another of the recommendations, since some of the accidents occur because drivers do not see cyclists. To do this, remember the need to install lighting on the bike. Specifically, the regulations in force require a white position light on the front, a red position light on the rear, and also on the rear a red reflector that is not triangular.


Also recommend wearing light clothing, especially yellow or orange of high visibility and, if possible, use reflective vest. Finally, reference is made to the consumption of alcohol and drugs, indicating that the driving of bicycles under the effect of these substances constitutes a serious fault. The maximum permitted alcohol rate is 0.25 mg in expired air.