The nationwide traffic safety project called we see ourselves? The project followed the first part of this preventive action, which took place in the spring of this year.
“Police and handed out to pedestrians, cyclists, drivers as well as reflective elements such as reflective tape, as well as bags and safety reflective vests with reflective marking,” said Kano police spokeswoman Jana.
The event took place at four selected locations of Kano. It was a station near the pedestrian crossing the street American, Italian, CSA and winning.
Officers in the transmission of reflective elements in addition all road users informed on how to behave safely roads.
“Preventive action is found with great success and was among the citizens very positively evaluated. The largest responses were mostly the elderly and women on parental leave, which reflective tape placed on strollers, “said the newspaper the Kano police spokeswoman.
Since February this year, pedestrians have the obligation to wear reflective material, and if moving when you are outside of the village in reduced visibility on the shoulder or the edge of the road in a place that is not illuminated by public lighting.
“Failure to meet this obligation, they face fines of up to two thousand crowns,” said Jana.