Reflective vest for cyclists and when required

There must wear a safety vest or suspenders when you go on a bike out of town, half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise. Are the new rules of the Highway Code?


Vest obligation and braces

For all cyclists be seen in the dark is not only advisable, but also mandatory.

The Highway Code prohibits from circular time of bicycles which lack appropriate visual signaling devices: white front light, or yellow; headlight and red rear reflector; yellow reflectors on the pedals and the wheels or sides. Recent changes to the Highway Code prescribe also now required to wear a reflective vest or suspenders (as those who must always keep in the car to use them in case of emergency stop) for those who go by bike in the following cases:

– Out of town for half an hour before sunset to half an hour before sunrise;

– In tunnels.


Increase security by bicycle

Improve its visibility cycling increases your safety: therefore, both in town and out, it is always advisable to wear clothing with reflective stripes or bands; or add to the bike flashing lights, though not mandatory.

A “kit” visibility is acquired by about 10 EUR: 3.50 euro x bracelet / leg, 5 euro for the vest, 6 Euros for rear flashing light. Little money and very well spent.

Officers checked the driver with reflective vests

On reflective vests vehicles at Wednesday’s event focused transport traffic policemen. Drivers checked at the Ostrava section of the D1 motorway. They wanted to highlight the great increase in the number of people who were not on this traffic artery killed by another vehicle.


Mandatory reflective vest had in controlled vehicles for all drivers. “Some of them but she could not at first find it,” said the editor of CT under which police recommend that this safety feature should chauffeurs under the seat or in a door.


“Police in safety vest recommend that drivers in cars should also lead to the passenger,” said Rader. He pointed at the same time increase the number of persons who were this year on Czech roads withheld another car. According to police statistics, that is 95 people.


Most offenses committed by Poles

Most offenses on the D1 motorway Moravian-Silesian region have to his credit this year Polish drivers. Poles were also fined more than domestic drivers. This stems from police statistics, which previously provided the Silesian police spokeswoman.


By November of this year at the D1 highway in the MSR police recorded 3302 violations. “The Czech driver had committed 1,332 of them. 1,400 road traffic offenses committed drivers from Poland, 571 offenses were committed by other foreigners, “the spokeswoman said.


Two Polish drivers in reflective clothing in the November inspection exceeded the rate of more than 50 kilometers per hour. In ten other cases crossed the Polish driver the speed of 30 kilometers or more per hour, sixteen exceeded the speed limit by less than thirty kilometers per hour, as well as four driver’s Slovak nationality.


A serious accident in the region last year caused the Polish driver. Despite the red light drove a truck laden with plates at the railroad crossing. Barriers him imprisoned and then into his truck crashed train. Three people survived the accident. The Court considers that the Polish driver imposed a penalty of 8.5 years.

Reflective vest protect cyclists and pedestrians on road

At the weekend, police officers of the party road Police with officers of the Department of Analysis and Crime Prevention held an action in preventing road incidents involving cyclists without wearing safety vest, carters as well as preventing drug alcohol.


Thus, in the early morning were stopped all road users that would have been required to wear reflective vest to be visible to drivers who were not properly equipped. Police have drawn attention to the need to respect road rules that impose an obligation to wear reflective elements distributing them each a vest purchased with the support of Romanian Automobile Club Sate Mare branch. All those who were stopped by police invoked various reasons when they were asked why they are not properly equipped, unaware of the risks they face when traveling at night and cannot be seen by drivers in time to avoid tragedy.


In the second part of the action, drivers could test the glasses that simulate drunkenness, both at night and in daylight at the end of the action all drivers confirming that alcohol diminishes attention and increases the risk of producing accident. The pedestrian without wearing reflective fabric clothing will be easy to hit.

Pedaling in the dark with a safety vest

Cyclists with wearing safety vest in Timisoara organized group out again, this time to draw attention to … the planet. Pedaling occurs during Earth Hour and cyclists in Timisoara Cycle Chic thought a trail for an hour on several streets in the city. His event is organized for the third year in a row, being each time, the first year of Timisoara pedaling.


“What we want to show through this pedal? First we choose to shift our bike in the city and outside his car, not the other way or, worse, that we only use the machine in all our outlets. Secondly, this output is not a façade, but is what we want to change, and change can only come from us. Lastly, we want to show once again that the bicycle is the most efficient means of travel when congestion urban, ensuring an average speed of travel at peak times far superior to that provided by car “transmit organizers, related specify that the event is dedicated to the planet.


Assembly is given in Central Park, on March 19, when Romania celebrates Earth Hour (Earth Hour No), starting at 20. The route departs at 20.30.

“This event we dedicate our planet, but who does not feel that this reason is sufficient to take their bicycles and pedaled with us an hour weekend we bring you another reason: pedaling with wearing reflective vest it is profitable for thee, of your future and your descendants. Your child, like you, needs to live in a healthier environment to the present one. We can only say: if you want change, make it happen! “, Timisoara longer transmits cyclists from Cycle Chic.


Careful! To participate pedaling must be equipped with lights and reflective: beacon, stop, cat eyes, reflective clothing. The route, which can be read here, is specially designed to always be two lanes, so that the group can use a single band.


According, take Earth Hour this year Saturday, March 19, between 20.30 and 21.30, when people are invited to turn off the lights, to engage in environmental action and change its behavior, to have a lesser impact nature. Earth Hour was first organized by WWF-Australia in Sydney on 31 March 2007; the brand registered the organization WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) globally. In normal die is celebrated on the last Saturday of March, which is very close to the equinox.

A bicyclist died without wearing reflective vest

The driver who struck and killed a bicyclist Sunday night, on the road between Santana – and fled from the scene – was in custody for 30 days. The young man – 26 years old – had consumed alcoholic beverages. After testing the device etiolates, three hours after the accident, the driver had 0.18 mg / l of pure alcohol in the breath. Bicyclist on the other hand, was not wearing any

The driver who struck and killed a bicyclist Sunday night, on the road between Santana – and fled from the scene – was in custody for 30 days. The young man – 26 years old – had consumed alcoholic beverages. After testing the device etiolates, three hours after the accident, the driver had 0.18 mg / l of pure alcohol in the breath. Bicyclist on the other hand, was not wearing any reflective vest and helmet while driving on the public highway.


After being prosecuted and was set in motion criminal proceedings “prosecutors attached to the Court Chisinau- filed judge the rights and freedoms of the Court Chisinau- proposal for arrest of defendant Thomas Daniel investigated for offenses of manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident without the consent of the police in safety clothing with reflective tape or the prosecutor conducting the crime scene investigation.

Judge rights and freedoms of the Court admitted the proposal Chisinau- prosecutors on Daniel defendant, ordering his provisional detention for a period of 30 days. ”

“The evidence produced up to this point of the trial, revealed that on 23 October 2016 at around 03:00 while he was driving a private car in the town of Santana towards the town New amid consumption alcohol and the car’s speed unsuitable weather conditions, defendant Thomas Daniel surprised and fatally injured a bicyclist BT, who was driving in the same direction drive defendant electric bicycle without wearing reflective safety clothing and helmet. Following the accident, defendant Thomas Daniel not stopped nor announced bodies the right, leaving the accident scene and moving to his home in the town of Santa Ana, where he was identified by the police at around 6:00 “reads a press release from the Prosecutor’s Office attached Chisinau- Court. According to prosecutors’ research continues in order to clarify all the facts and determining criminal responsibility of the defendant. ”

and helmet while driving on the public highway.


After being prosecuted and was set in motion criminal proceedings “prosecutors attached to the Court Chisinau- filed judge the rights and freedoms of the Court Chisinau- proposal for arrest of defendant Thomas Daniel investigated for offenses of manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident without the consent of the police in safety clothing with reflective tape or the prosecutor conducting the crime scene investigation.

Judge rights and freedoms of the Court admitted the proposal Chisinau- prosecutors on Daniel defendant, ordering his provisional detention for a period of 30 days. ”

“The evidence produced up to this point of the trial, revealed that on 23 October 2016 at around 03:00 while he was driving a private car in the town of Santana towards the town New amid consumption alcohol and the car’s speed unsuitable weather conditions, defendant Thomas Daniel surprised and fatally injured a bicyclist BT, who was driving in the same direction drive defendant electric bicycle without wearing reflective safety vest and helmet. Following the accident, defendant Thomas Daniel not stopped nor announced bodies the right, leaving the accident scene and moving to his home in the town of Santa Ana, where he was identified by the police at around 6:00 “reads a press release from the Prosecutor’s Office attached Chisinau- Court. According to prosecutors’ research continues in order to clarify all the facts and determining criminal responsibility of the defendant. “

Pedestrians will wear reflective clothing

So far, such a requirement was only children under 15 years of age. Now, it will apply to all people walking after dark side of the road in rural roads.


The legislation does not specify which elements of reflective vest are to wear foot. – No need to immediately look like a Christmas tree or wear a special vest. Enough bands forearm and lower leg, that does not occupy much space, adapt to the shape of the body and easy to take with you – calms Adam Reza, president of the Polish Association of Judicial Affairs.


The legislation does not specify which elements of reflective clothing are to wear foot. – No need to immediately look like a Christmas tree or wear a special vest. Enough bands forearm and lower leg, that does not occupy much space, adapt to the shape of the body and easy to take with you – calms Adam Reza, president of the Polish Association of Judicial Affairs Accident.



The introduction of the obligation is wearing reflectors to help quickly reduce the number of accident victims. With police statistics show that in 2013. Recorded almost 9.5 thousand events are involving pedestrians, which killed 1,147 people and approx. 9 thousand. It was injured. A year earlier, there were more than 10.3 thousand. Such accidents which injured were almost 9.7 thousand people. The number of killed, unfortunately, was similar.


– If the pedestrian is wearing dark, its dark, the driver is able to see it from a distance of 20 or 30 meters. Car moving at 50 km / h defeat so close to 18 meters, before any reaction. Meanwhile, thanks to the glare pedestrian are visible to the driver of the car even 150 meters – adds the CEO Reza. Most children die in the summer months – June, July and August. But the biggest problem among adults are the months of autumn and winter, when it gets dark quickly, and rain or snow also hinder visibility. Every year on the roadside is deducted over a hundred people, of whom a dozen die without safety vest.


– The basic rule for pedestrians is “see and be seen.” Children or the elderly, who have never sat behind the wheel of a car, they often have the impression that if their car lights dazzle, it means that the driver can see them certainly. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can compare it to a situation where we see a plane flying at an altitude of 10 thousand meters. This does not mean that the pilot of the jet sees us – explains Mark office traffic Police Headquarters.


According to Adam Reza new rules should translate into an increase pedestrian safety. – As far as will be observed – she adds. Perhaps it will be enough motivation threat mandates. For moving without glare after dark outside built-up areas will be threatened with a fine of from 20 to 500. Glare you will not need to wear when walking or moving sidewalk in a residential zone. Criminal liability does not include children up to 17 years of age. Policeman does not write the child’s mandate nor can it impose such a penalty on the parent, because he had not committed an offense.


Another issue that many parents forget is that the little ones under the age of 7 cannot independently move around roads public. – Under Article. 89 Code offenses those who have a duty of care or supervision of minors to 7 years of age allowed to stay on the public highway or on the tracks, subject to a fine or reprimand – In other situations we can use be which says the measures educational influence. A police officer may instruct you to pay attention, to carry out disciplinary conversation with their parents, a teacher or director of schools, and even with the same child – adds a policeman.


Though reflectors are to be compulsory from this Sunday, those who do not fulfill this obligation, yet the police will only instruct. But officials are calling us to quickly adapt to the new law. – Do not treat this provision through the prism of penalties and expenses. But the purchase of reflective material is an expense of approx. 2-5. The assumption takes several seconds, and it can save our lives. Fortunately clothing designers are increasingly using fluorescent materials. Let us remember that fashion is reflective safety and convenience – says Mark. I jokingly acknowledges: – If we took out all of the drawers, these reflectors, which were distributed by the police or company insurance, our streets would be more luminous than the center of Las Vegas.

Cycling champion calls: Establish a reflective vest

To improve the safety of cyclists on the road, not only should change the driving culture, but also cyclists themselves should take care of your visibility. – Cyclists often do not have a safety vest or other reflective elements. They should hold them because of their own safety – says Lech, cycling world champion.

Catherine encourages cyclists to have glare and appeals to retailers: Join the bike vest. Talks with shop owners are still ongoing. There are, however, already the first positive results.


– Some stores distribute bought their vests, others eager to integrate the action, if the vest will receive from us. So we’ll talk and find common solutions. Life and health is most important. It is still too many accidents involving cyclists. Every initiative, every activity that would reduce the number of accidents is needed – says Catherine.


Lech, the world champion amateur and professional track world champion, winner of the Peace Race, the five stages in the Gyro, the leader of the Tour de France: – action is most needed. It should be promoted. We see many cyclists who move in different places. Many of them are invisible. They do not have a vest or other reflective elements. They should hold them because of their own security.


Lights, reflectors, vests

Law does not require that the cyclist was equipped with a vest. Mandatory only lighting bicycle after dark. The rules also require the possession of stud people moving after dark outside built-up. Although reflective of cyclists are not required, it would be reasonable to hold them.


– Our bicycle shop joined the action. With every bike add a reflective vest. We do not have small sizes for children, but soon we will have them. Commuters professionally in most cases, these reflectors are, perhaps not in the form of vests, because they cannot ride, but e.g. Garments equipped with visible fluorescent colors. Very popular is also a rear bicycle lights, often much stronger than, for example. Indeterminately fog in cars – says Peacock.


To improve the safety of cyclists, you should also sensitize drivers who should pay close attention to what is happening around them. Recently came into force a new provision allowing the rider to overtake the column of cars on the right side. This requires the driver not only of looking at what is happening in the left mirror of his car, but also pay attention to what is happening on the right side, especially in times of approaching the intersection.


– Culture license should learn as cyclists and car drivers. In situations of conflict, however, the cyclist always suffers more than the car. The bike simply does not have a chance to win a startup – says Peacock.


Wear a helmet

Polish law does not require the cyclist to this was equipped with a helmet, but hit his head on the ground can be fatal. About he also should not forget cyclists.

– While cycling, I noticed that the driver, who themselves do not ride bikes or drive very little, do not respect cyclists on the road. Anyone who rides knows how cyclist behaves on the road. Not all cyclists are perfect and do not always behave the way as they should – says Peacock.


This is not the only activity planned by the governor. – Before the holidays we want to reach our appeal to teenagers and give her vest. Students also should not forget about the flares. Life jackets have received from us or police officers and Road Transport Inspection, that during their work when they encounter a cyclist without glare, could give him the vest – says Oasis.


Volvo not wants to be limited to activities only in the immediate area.

– We would like to companies producing bicycles joined vest, the reflective fabric vest to become a standard feature of the bicycle. With this appeal we will turn to manufacturers around the country – provides Oasis.

Reflective material – Tips to walk safely in the dark

t may seem redundant to write an article about running in the dark. You’d think every runner knows that it is a good idea to wear reflective clothing and / or to provide lighting. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. I see too often ghost runners whizzing past in the evenings. In addition, I regularly hear around me the last time someone had almost a runner on his hood because “ghost runners without lights, with music, just cross the road. Time to shake these runners is equally awake. That is why I put some tips at a glance which at night running is a lot safer. Hopefully you here not begin to wait, because you’re evening off well prepared. If this is not the case, I hope you have some of the tips.


  1. Think of reflective material on your clothes and / or your shoes
  2. Shine a light! The shops are now full of small lights that you can attach it easy on your clothes.
  3. Try to walk on lighted sidewalks and bike paths
  4. Are there any in your area little or no lit roads? Then run in the opposite direction, so that other road users can see you.
  5. Please itself well to the traffic around you. You can never guess that others see you.
  6. Try to run routes which you already know. That way, you are prepared for example, potholes, hills and other obstacles. This prevents injuries and other woes. A safety vest is needed.
  7. Do not go to places where running ever comes. Then you are not appointed by yourself anyway if something is going on.
  8. Let us know at least one person around you that you’re on the road.
  9. Give your iPod a night of rest, so you can hear at least what is happening around you. That will save you unpleasant surprises.

10. Bring something on which his name and address. So you easily identify if needed.

Tips for safe driving beyond

If you go out riding your horse with a safety vest you have to share the road with cars, motorcycles, tractors and cyclists. The average road user is not familiar with horses and do not know how to pass a horse. Fortunately, the following tips will help you as rider to increase safety on the road.


Do not go with your horse step if your horse is not used to the traffic, or if you are unsure of yourself. Then find an instructor who can help you with this.

Does your horse too much energy? Your horse is in advance to get rid of his excess energy. This prevents crazy bursts in traffic.

Previously dotted is the safest route. Choose roads with low speed limits, minimizing traffic or wide verges.

Officially your horse is seen as a vehicle, so stick to the traffic rules!

Take an experienced horse as you want with a young horse to ride outside and let the most experienced combination closest drive to the oncoming traffic.

Is your horse on cyclists because he is not supposed to get this? Ask the cyclist than to say something to you, making your horse will already hear him and it will be less scary.

If you want to cross a road, find a suitable place where you can overlook the bends or hills and oncoming cars can see it coming.

Wear brightly colored clothes by day and a reflective vest in the dark so that you are always visible.

Always keep the base eye. Asphalt can be slippery when it rains, large stones can hurt in the sand and gravel can cause your horse slips away. Also pay attention to sharp objects in the grass or a soft shoulder.

Do you see a stray dog ​​on your route? You should always step down so you do not provoke the dog to go after you.

Always make sure that you remain quiet, if you’re nervous, you will convey this to your horse.

Learn the signs of your horse. If you find a horse’s ears are often first scary tight forward, then his head up and he will tighten his neck. He’s snoring or blowing, breathes faster and wants to flee. If you know you can intervene in time your horse properly and avoid a dangerous situation.

Like horse something scary? Never let him run away! Let him look at the scary object and let him examine it. Let him move his feet, this is his natural instinct and thus the voltage decreases.

Make sure you always have a phone, identification and hoof pick with you. Tell someone that you are going on the road and when you expect to return. Your phone should always be in your reflective material pocket and not on your seat so that you always have on hand.

Reflective scarf – make you disappear at night

FD personally selects each week, art, fashion, design, exhibitions and special addresses. All about what the eye sees and touches the heart.


The reflective fabric scarf figured let people disappear conscious. Three questions about the cloth, bearing celebrities like statement.


Why a scarf that draws people from view?

“Our privacy disappears because technology takes on life. Wherever we are, we are committed, even at times when we do not want. ”


How ‘conjures “this scarf wearer from sight?

“In the wool sit strips of reflective material processed. If someone is using his Smartphone takes a picture with the flash of your disappears by this material light from the photo. The only thing left is the reflective scarf. ”


What are your future plans?

“We also have a tie and designed a phone cover of the same material, and there is a sweater and a reflective vest. But that’s just the beginning. “