The road accidents increase without safety vest during the transition to winter time

On the occasion of the switch to winter time this weekend, the Delegation for Road Safety and Traffic (DSCR) alerts the road users about the increase in accidents during this period. Especially the people without wearing safety vest. What are the reasons? Are there good reflexes to adopt?


This weekend, it will be necessary to reverse the clocks of one hour. But the transition to winter time does not only have consequences on your sleep (with … an hour more on this occasion). According to the Delegation for Road Safety and Traffic (DSCR), there is a peak of accident every year during this period. “Over the past five years, the winter months have been the most dangerous for pedestrians,” says the DSCR.


“The peak hours of morning and evening, 7h-10h and 17h-19h, are the most accident in winter,” says the DSCR. Faced with these risks, Road Safety therefore calls on road users to be very careful.


The reasons

There are two main reasons for this. Initially, the period of darkness increases at peak hours. The lighting of vehicles and street lights is not powerful enough to allow motorists to distinguish pedestrians without reflective vest. “The one-hour retreat has an important effect on the hours of illumination: night falls earlier in the day, when classes leave or professional end-of-day trips,” the DSCR analyzes.


Secondly, cyclists do not always think of checking the equipment of their bicycle. Not necessarily using their retro-reflectors or headlights during the summer, they are often damaged or even absent when pacing roads during winter time.



To cope with the increased mortality on roads at this time of year, the DSCR gives some guidance to road users.


For cyclists, it is recommended to “check its lighting, wear a retro-reflective jacket and not ride on sidewalks”. On the pedestrian side, it is advisable to “check several times before crossing, walking on the sidewalks and crossing at pedestrian crossings”. Finally, drivers and drivers of motorized two-wheelers must “adapt their speed, deviate by at least one meter from the sidewalks and keep the headlights on day and night.”

Fatal accident: a teenager dead without wearing safety vest

A 15-year-old was driving a motorcycle without wearing a safety vest of 125 cc in the evening of Saturday, October 22, when he collided with a minibus to the Cossigny Street. He was transported to Victoria Hospital where his death was confirmed.


Oliver did not survive his injuries. The van that crashed was led by J. Rajkumar, 42. The motorcycle had no license plate. In addition, its lighthouse was damaged and the motorcyclist was not wearing a reflective vest.


The driver of the minibus was taken to the police station, where he was tested for alcohol, which was negative.


Questioned in the presence of his Sunday law of man, he told how the accident occurred. “I was leaving to go Vacoas Road toward St. Paul. The Cossigny street motorcycle that came at high speed crashed into me, “said the driver.

Motorcycle enthusiast


After interrogation he appeared before the Bail and Remand Court under a provisional charge of manslaughter. He found parole after providing a surety of Rs 10,000.


According to a police source, the motorcycle belongs to a relative of the teenager. The autopsy concluded that he died from his multiple injuries.


In nearby Oliver Block F1, Cardinal Avenue, Beau homes, there is consternation. His mother Cindy, 34, said to be saddened by the tragic death of his son. “He was a motorcycle enthusiast. There are three months, he abandoned his studies and worked as assistant driver with his grandfather. My son was living with my parents because I am separated from my husband. ”

“He used to go out with friends at night, but not take any reflective accessory “says the thirty. The survey, conducted by the sergeant, is under the supervision of the chief inspector and ASP.


The chief inspector, of the Traffic Branch, says the Daily Challenge at the age of 15, one can only get a learner or a license for a motorcycle not exceeding 50 cc. “It is 17 years a young person can get a learner or a driving license for a motorcycle. And to obtain a driving license for a car and other vehicles must be 18, “he says.

The reflective tape is interested, people want to be seen

Karlovy Vary Region – Interest reflective tape and other similar elements among the people grows. This is confirmed both officers and other distributors.


Another batch of reflective tape so example at the local municipal police precinct. “People, especially the elderly, are they going to ask more and more, it seems that the campaign began to work,” say the commander policemen that a visible indication also runs more and more cyclists.


The amendment to the Act, which states that people on the road outside the village must be marked with reflective elements, it pays about two weeks. Its failure can lose up to two and a half thousand crowns. “We operate mainly preventative, ie no sanctions,” said the commander.


In his turf receive tapes residents through regular preventive action. “For example, if someone poorly marked, wearing dark clothes and such a person from our band gets to give away a sight to everyone,” explained Marcel.


Municipal police already has in this respect the practice and experience. At the end of last year constables on my rounds distributed to two hundred reflective strips.


The situation is similar. “We give them to people who are sixty or over and have permanent residence. Others advise you where to get them. Interest among residents certainly it grew, “said Peter, commander of the police officers.


According to him, the tape can get in and stores with a similar focus. They are also offered in the information center, where one piece comes to just 20 crowns.


Also Carlsbad officers began handing out reflective tape, but last fall.

“We proceed from the fact that the reflective element can people take a sense that they are more visible, and not only because it must. These actions have therefore done in the past, before issuing the law. We contacted BESIP and if you give us more reflective tapes, we will repeat this action, “said the commander of the Carlsbad Municipal Police Marcel.


“After the publication of the law, we then noticed an increased number of calls from citizens. We gave them where they can straps and other accessories to buy, “said Marcel.


The tape of Reflective vest is a handy feature that fits easily into a pocket, purse or school bag and is easily mounted on the sleeve dress. Its task is to draw attention to motorist’s man in poor visibility

Police once again, calls for wearing reflective material

Visibility of pedestrians for the winter approaching cold and shorter days again become a hot topic. Last time it tragically suffered the man on Sunday at midnight truck collided. Officers point out that duty of pedestrians – for your own safety – to be seen on the roads sufficiently. Under bad conditions they threaten people without reflectors fine of around two thousand.


The man went to along the right edge of the road, in the same direction as passing cars when the truck hit him. According to police spokeswoman Alice was not wearing any reflective tape or other accessories clothes.


The truck driver had a negative test for alcohol and drugs. From January to September this year, police in South Moravian Region recorded thirty-pedestrian accidents after dark, eight of which in places with poor lighting.

Be seen, the police announced that


To the poor visibility of pedestrians alert the police a long time. The greatest risk occurs in the winter months when it become darker and worsens the conditions for the driver. According to police statistics regularly deadliest month of November because it often rains and the days are rapidly running out.


Since February this year, moreover, applies the amendment to the law on road traffic, which requires pedestrians in poor visibility in darkness or fog and gloom while walking along the roadside in unlit areas required wearing reflective materials. But the rule applies only outside the village.


Poorly visible to pedestrians at risk fines up to two thousand crowns in administrative proceedings between 1500 and 2500 crowns. According to the Ministry of Transport is wearing reflective elements of a good prevention of fatal accidents.

Police advise wearing reflective elements and in the community


Since last autumn, the police handed out more than one hundred thousand reflective tape to increase visibility of pedestrians up to two hundred meters. “As a precaution, we recommend to people that they were wearing reflective vest in communities where there is good lighting. If the driver see pedestrians, not able to react in time and such accidents often ends in tragedy, “said police spokesman Brno.


“Most of the walks on the wrong side, they are unlit. Moreover, when they have a little toast, all is not trying to avoid cars. When a driver encounters in turn, often does not have time to duck, “said the policeman.

Reflective elements can be purchased in stores cycling equipment or stationery.

Mandatory bicycle equipment: reflective accessory for your safety

This is Mr. Bike his company! Our contributor Tanguy, inveterate cyclist urban, moves motorbikes in the streets of Paris. It tells you more about the essential equipment to have to travel by bicycle.


The tips and habits are variable in terms of safety equipment, but the Highway Code imposes certain elements. Here it is mandatory to have on his bike, on the understanding that this is a minimum equipment list and there is no limitation! In short, you need a minimum:

A white light in front and a red light at the rear;

A reflective vest if you drive at night outside built;

Two brakes in good condition;


Lighting in good condition

For night riding a bicycle must be equipped with a white light in front and a red light at the back. These lights are supposed to be fixed and not flashing. But the situation is somewhat unclear, insofar as flashing lights approved in other European countries are normally acceptable in France. Flashing lights attract more attention, but they reduce the ability to predict the trajectories in an unlit environment, the way a strobe. In any event, the lights usually have a fixed mode, and possibly a flashing mode, then to choose between.


White light Also point out that it is essential to respect the planned colors:  white front and red rear. Drive a red light on the front is not only unacceptable but also dangerous, because then flows the opposite of what is provided for other users. Additional lights such as brake lights, turn signals for changes in direction or beam lights can be useful but are not mandatory.

The visibility of equipment


In addition to the active light, the bike must be equipped with passive reflectors for good signaling. First a white front and a red rear (Article R313-20 and R313-18.), Often integrated with lights; at least one amber reflector on each wheel (R313-19) allowing it to be seen from the side and some on the edges of the pedals, which are normally supplied with.


Finally, for night driving outside urban areas, the rider must be of a high visibility vest, neon yellow with reflective strips. Additional devices such as reflective strips glued or beam reflectors, can be useful but they are not mandatory.

Reflectors and back reflection

The reflectors and reflective tape are particular features of retro-reflection. To understand what it is, we can compare two types of thinking.


Diffuse reflection: the white shirt

Illuminated by the headlights of a car, the T-shirt of a cyclist diffuses light of headlights in all directions, so it appears white both for the driver and a pedestrian on the edge of the roadway.


The retro-reflection: the reflector

Illuminated by the headlights, reflectors reflect the light in the direction of the light source, which is to say to the car, where they appear bright, as if it were acting electrical fires! On the contrary, a passerby, the reflector will appear dark, as if he was not informed.


To understand the interest of the retro-reflection, it is easy to experiment at home. Take your yellow vest and hang it on a coat rack leaving the reflective stripes prominently. Then, grab a flashlight and stay away from five meters. Then lighten the vest, holding the lamp near your head and admire how you shine when you are illuminated by the headlights of a car!

Vests are also dyed fluorescent yellow, which also has a very special way:


Ordinary color

Under lighting, ordinary objects return certain colors from the light and absorb the rest. Thus, a green shirt essentially returns the green light. White is a special case, which returns all colors and absorbs very little light, so that one can hardly imagine how brighter…


Fluorescent color

In the same light, a yellow vest does not just return the yellow component of the light. It also absorbs the rest of the light, but converts some extra yellow light, they then returns, so it appears brighter than a white object, but only in yellow color!


Finally, far from being a secondary accessory, the bell is also part of the mandatory equipment. Article R 313-33 indicates that it can be heard 50 meters, but without specifying the sound environment concerned. The key is therefore to be properly understood without the risk of pedestrians jump on his handlebars. This would also not consistent with the text that requires a stamp or a bell!

This is self-evident, but bicycle must be equipped with two efficient brakes as indicated in Article R315-3 of the Highway Code. It is therefore necessary to maintain its brakes repaired, provided that the shoe soles are not effective braking devices!

Reflective tape keeps you safer

Third advice when choosing a tape is purely practical, try to get the widest reflective stripe. And when you have the option, choose to purchase also proven vendor. The idea is to get the strap with the logo BESIP among the top three also received two products from the offering of Czech Post.

In my purse tape will not help. Where to put it?

Best for your safety would be if the reflective elements follow the contour of your character front and back. However, who would like to walk in the evening the pub or on a date in a reflective vest.


“Reflective tape we put toward the road, to the right side of the body, on the ankle or wrist,” says Martin pastor. If you, however, is available only one band is better placed on her ankle. “The car’s lights is illuminated from below, and enlighten so strap on the ankle before the wrist,” says Head of Road Safety. If you have reflective tape affixed to the wrist, then be careful you do not block his sleeve.


If you feel that as good a job as reflective tape performance, such as lighted cell phone, remember that not only fail to meet legally required, but also risk that the phone is charged, and the driver cannot see you.


Conversely, if you wanted to underline the effect of reflection yet, you are in the twilight rain or shine clothing with fluorescent colors. Although it does not provide the reflection of light, but increase the distance at which the driver sees you.


Decides each extra meter

Although it looks like a merchant recount of bounds centimeters, it is unnecessary pettiness. In addition, every meter that has a driver available to halt or you safely avoided, on the unlit road counts.


Know therefore that a pedestrian visibility reflective elements record driver at a distance of 200 meters. At a speed of 65 kilometers per hour therefore it has enough time to cope recognize possible dangers decided exactly what to do, and performed a maneuver comfortably finishing it.


In dark clothing range at which you can see on the shoulder shrinks to just 18 meters. They swoop at the same speed car in a single second. “The driver has virtually no chance of pedestrians ahead and react safely avoid it,” says Martin pastor.


And it is still talking about the speed with which drags outside the village just a few. At a speed of 90 kilometers per hour, the driver no longer needs to secure pedestrian miss at least 90 meters, while in the white clothes that after reflection the best, you only see at a distance of 55 meters.

Well reflective equipped to circulate scooter

Scooter owners are often less equipped than motorcyclists, yet good equipment can reduce the risk in case of fall, like a safety vest be more visible without diminishing the pleasure and comfort of your travels. Here are some tips to equip you.


The rules to follow

The items of equipment must be CE, protecting the look will be favored with particularly bright or light colors and reflective materials. The equipment must be fitted and worn consistently.



It is advisable to choose a helmet that has the advantage of protecting the face. It is important to try. Make sure it allows you to wear your goggles and provides good peripheral vision. To be effective, the helmet must be attached. If a fall or shock, and every 5 years at a minimum, it must be replaced.



A thick jacket protects the elements as well as fractures, bruises and abrasions. It should be large enough to be comfortable even with several layers of clothing but tight enough to protect against impacts. The sleeves should be tightened not to go. It can be equipped with a reflective vest airbag that is triggered when the driver comes off the scooter.


The pants must be comfortable while being tight with protection at the hips and knees and possibly shins.


Gloves should cover the hands and wrists. They must be reinforced joints while allowing complete freedom of movement. Gloves should not slide.

Waterproof and flexible boots protect the foot, ankle and lower calf. They are equipped with non-slip soles and reinforced by a shell and at the ankle.


To not forget

Wear your equipment for all trips regardless of the season, weather or destination. You must be in possession of a high visibility vest to use in case of emergency stop.


That changes in 2016: the yellow vest and mediation

Since yesterday, the riders must have a yellow reflective vest. And consumers can more easily play mediation in case of dispute.


At 1st January, there’s resolutions more or less held that manifest. And then there are the new rules that take effect more or less discreetly. We selected two that affect everyday life.


The first is a security measure already well known to motorists and now comes with several years of delay, also apply to motorcycle riders: holding a high-visibility safety vest.

This yellow vest as it is called commonly must be released and pushed by the rider in case of problems on the road. The failure to detain is liable to a fine of € 11; the failure to wear in an emergency can cost € 135!

Cyclists, who ride at night outside an urban area or day when the visibility is bad, must take this high-visibility safety vest.

The small consumer disputes are numerous and clog the courts. An order dated last summer provided the possibility for consumers to go through mediation to facilitate the amicable settlement of their dispute with a professional located in France or border area. The professionals had until 1st January 2016 to comply with the provisions specified in a decree published this fall.

It should thus provide the consumer contact information for the mediators in consumption to which it belongs, by registering this information in a visible and readable on its website, its general conditions of sale or service, its purchase orders or any other suitable medium. He must also mention the website address or postal address of such mediators.

On receipt of the documents relied upon by consumer demand, the mediator of the notified consumption seeks amicable agreement. Otherwise, it offers them a solution to the dispute. The safety vest is necessary. By sharing its solution within three months, the mediator reminds them, by mail or electronically that: people are free to accept or reject the proposed solution; Participation in mediation does not exclude the possibility of an appeal before a court; the proposed solution may be different from the decision to be made by a judge.

The yellow safety vest soon extended to 2 wheels!

From 1 January 2016, the retro-reflective safety vest or high visibility becomes mandatory for motorcycles and scooters.


From the 1 January 2016, the yellow vest is mandatory for motor vehicles 2 and 3 wheel and 4 wheel without bodywork, as well as for motorists. The Government has finally settled after the weather vane on the subject for years!


Indeed, wearing the vest retro reflective security should be mandatory early 2013 by all drivers or passengers of a motorcycle, with an engine capacity of 125 cm3 or a vehicle of category L5e a higher power 15 kW. Repealed upon entry into force in favor of a recommendation of wearing the vest, the Committee for Road Safety decided to walk back.


A decree and an order just to extend the obligations of detention and wearing a high visibility vest by drivers of these vehicles (1). Wearing a reflective vest was previously applicable to motorists, and will be extended to drivers of a motor vehicle with 2 or 3 wheels (motorcycle, scooter …), or a Motor bodywork (for example a quad ) from 1 January 2016 as they have to leave the disabled vehicle .


They will dispose of them or in storage of their vehicles (net, safe …) and carry it when they come down from their vehicle after an emergency stop, to improve their visibility, as for motorists.


Compliance with this obligation under the Highway Traffic Act (2) will be controlled by police and penalized if:

Non-ownership by a 1st class ticket (11 Euros for the fixed fine)

Of not wearing the vest after an emergency stop by a class 4 offense (135 Euros for the fixed fine).



(1) Decree No. 2015-514 of May 7, 2015 concerning the detention and harbor of the high visibility vest and Decree of 7 May 2015 amending the Decree of 29 September 2008 concerning the high visibility vest

(2) Article R416-19 of the Highway Code

Training in winter: lights shine and reflector

Who has made for whatever reason, have not noticed it: so slowly it gets cold, drafty and to make matters worse, even seemingly permanently dark outside. Outdoor enthusiasts and indoor training haters now plan not only more time to change one but adorn themselves with signal lights and colors with reflective material. We introduce some products that make you visible in the dark!


The training has just started again, but the circumstances make the start in the training routine is not easy. Who despite darkness and cold manages to attract an outdoor unit, which should note a few things!


It is cold?

Do not worry. You get used to it. With a small but high-quality selection of garments that (at least temporarily) keep dry one even in bad weather warm, survives to any weather. This includes a thick thermal jacket and pants, a windproof vest, waterproof jacket and pants, and warm gloves. With the right clothes-layer technique, the body also remains warm for a long.


The first excuse to postpone the training would become obsolete! But in winter, persevering athletes make a lot of other problems.


It is smooth?

Do not worry. Remedy small “snow chains” for running shoes, the other in an instant and can take off.


It is dark?

Do not worry. The basic equipment of the winter sportsman bright, a headlamp and various red flashing lights should belong to hedge. These make the morning or evening workouts on the roads safely. Even clothing manufacturers have adjusted to the season and offer athlete’s reflective clothing in luminous colors.


Safety first

Not only badly hampered road users in autumn and winter seeing. Come add fog or even blowing snow will quickly become confusing especially for motorists. Slippery driving conditions shift the attention in addition to safe driving. A runner who crosses the road, thereby overlooked.

This is not yet an accident happens in the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle, but can also secure better athletes. As long as you dress with bright, vivid colors, with light features and other road users extra pays attention than usual, also the training in the dark is certainly doable.


We know some of the products!

For a temperature range between -15 and zero degrees Celsius, it is best suited and qualified itself as cycling and running partner for the winter. Your extra long sleeves protect the delicate wrists from drafts. With its water repellent yet breathable surface of the body remains dry. Numerous additional reflectors enhance safety.

For men, the bright yellow jacket is available in sizes S to XL, the ladies version (S to L) is pink and costs per 80 Euro.


Newline Visio Warm Tights

Newline, once from top to bottom clearly visible – Newline has not only thought of shining outerwear, but also equipped his pants with bright and reflective elements. The Winter Tight from thermo material keeps you warm and safe even at very cold temperatures. A small zip bag also has space for the house key.

The tights are available in sizes S to XL, the  ladies  version (S to L) is in turn pink and costs per 65,00 Euro.