Which places are in terms of accidents of motorcyclists without reflective vest in the county riskiest?
It’s practically every place where it crosses the main and secondary roads. Here bikers should pay attention. Often they do not have to go not particularly fast, but the festive driver who goes on a side road, it can be easily overlooked. The driver, for example, is not able to estimate the speed of a motorcycle pulls into the intersection.
Valid often spread by the idea that an accident cans usually biker?
A considerable proportion of road accidents have also car drivers, motorcyclists who overlook or prefer him not to. Of course, in some cases, the complicity and the motorcyclist, because not adapt speed, thus driving too fast, the common myth that behind every accident in which a participant biker, can he just not true.
In some months bikers frequent accidents?
Statistically, it is not possible to quantify. But in general I can say that at the beginning of the season not many casualties, most of them happen in the summer, which is related to the fact that in this period the roads moving most motorcyclists. In addition, some young people get to the end of the school year, motorbikes and expression is tested. But the key factor is the weather, the prettier, the more bikers leaves, and therefore more likely to suffer accidents.
How about the driving skills of young motorcyclists wearing reflective tape?
Driving licenses for motorcycles are restricted by age and performance motorcycles. For management motorbikes and vehicles always decide experiences. One should “vyjezdit” and gradually sits on the powerful machines. The problem is if an inexperienced driver on any motorcycle ever ridden, and then he take very strong. They do not know how the bike behaves, how should it be managed, cannot solve crisis.
Reflective elements help and additional lights
What would you recommend bikers to reduce the risk that the driver is overlooked?
It is visually expand motorcycle and motorcyclist is in operation more visible, even though such equipment must meet the legal requirements. The biggest risk of the driver biker overlooked is the time when the sun is shining too sharply and then vice versa at dusk. We strongly recommend that motorcyclists use safety vest.
Do you plan any security actions in connection with the bikers? In what condition are your machines?
Several actions we made in the past. Within them we distributed, for example, reflective vests and reflective cross. Also this year the bikers along with BESIP focus. During transport actions we do not reveal a greater number of problems related to poor technical state of motorcycles. We also focus on drugs and alcohol, not drunk bikers are not uncommon.
For example, in villages often travels guys without a license, without helmets and along roads. Also reveals such cases?
Previously, such cases were common, of course, in the exercise of police services for this novice driver’s focus on villages. However, on its own field or dirt road, if it is not registered as a road, they can run on anything.