Don’t go to the forest without reflective vest

Mushrooms while walking is advisable to wear a reflective vest, but it will not save you from danger. Try to avoid walking in the woods and fields and sunsets during the morning hours. Inevitably, there are among us hunters, who are ready to shoot anything that moves. Squatting mushroom line is very far looking like wild boar. Moreover, more than half of the hunters over 50 years of age and eyesight are no longer what young.
In addition, we can never be sure that you hit the ball with the shot, if we let the animals down. Even if we hit an animal, a ball may fly out of her, and continue their journey to another kilometer.
Open the ball flies off of up to two kilometers away. I know from experience that many hunters do not think about letting the ball out, which is to create the background. The goal is to capture the animal.
The story that the hunting areas will know what they are doing is nonsense. In reality, there is a general chaos, is gigantic, and it is reflective element necessary to let the mindless number of animals. Specifically, for the first time in history, we are faced with, which raises concerns about the ability of the volume of non-compliance due to the hunting area without a stick.
Wild boar shooting is every opportunity. In connection need more animals hunted everywhere, and it creates a danger. In some regions, permits goes rigging because not enough is not heating or pigs.
Ireland hunting is sadly like a sandbox game. Hunter can very easily, without any special knowledge.

Then there are those who have had the nose in the moss, but cannot help expostulation – made the same mistakes next time. Fortunately, no one hurt our hunting area, but there have been very dangerous situations. However, it is Kaitlin could hear the bullets flying and of this annual drill. Fortunately, the forest is trying to stick the ball quite quickly.
If the hunter is alone in the woods hunting, and targeting the head, then he disappears from around the world – he sees only the animal. In connection has begun to issue more licenses for hunting, and this has led to a situation where even the bears have begun to target the head of feral pigs. The state is putting pressure on us – our pressurized environment.
The forest is absurd commotion throw wild boar permits and ordering more bangs – Sooner or later, someone will be bulletproof. My recommendation to you as a hunter: Do not walk in the evenings walking along the cornfields, and as long as the raging swine fever lasts, do not walk in the woods at all!
Hunters are not one hundred percent of the professionals – we are ordinary people like you and like you, we make mistakes. Unfortunately, our faults delete someone. I therefore ask you, pick mushrooms during lunch, when it is the whitest, and wear a reflective vest with reflective tape! It should not take you off the pieces, but could save your life.
Bikers wish success and the courage to be more open with the people. Acknowledge your vulnerabilities – so we can avoid the worst. I hope the people of understanding – the situation is also difficult for the hunters.


Police in rural divides 4,000 reflective vests

ERGO Insurance gave more than 4,000 police safety vest. They are divided into rural areas for pedestrians and cyclists more visible in the dark self-making.
Police distributes reflective vests traffic during NMT who have either the time or the traffic resulting from a higher risk to get into an accident, informed the police and the Border Guard.
PPA policing Police Superintendent Rhino Tamaki said the mandatory non-motorized reflector when it is dark, unfortunately, only the minimum safety program. “On roads outside the vehicle speeds greater than the consequences of a car crash on foot or by bike road users extremely tragic. Therefore, the night-time settlements in low light or when using road traffic in the self as well making visible paramount, “said Tanoak.
ERGO Insurance gave more than 4,000 police reflective vests. They are divided into rural areas for pedestrians and cyclists more visible in the dark self-making.
Police with reflective uniform distributes reflective vests traffic during NMT who have either the time or the traffic resulting from a higher risk to get into an accident, informed the police and the Border Guard.
PPA policing Police Superintendent Rhino Tamaki said the mandatory non-motorized reflector when it is dark, unfortunately, only the minimum safety program. “On roads outside the vehicle speeds greater than the consequences of a car crash on foot or by bike road users extremely tragic. Therefore, the night-time settlements in low light or when using road traffic in the self as well making visible paramount, “said Tanoak.




Dress reflective vest during exercise

In 1911, Norwegian explorer Road Amundsen reached for the first time, the South Pole. No bubo to report, but we must still specify that one of the team members had to undergo training to express the Oslo hospital to be able to cut a party member if ever it was freezing … the anecdote may seem dated, but the subject of sport in the cold is he, highly relevant fact, with winter approaching. Gilles Goetghebuer, editor of the magazine Atopic, a magazine specializing in the running, gives us some good tips to brave the cold.
Do not dress too warmly during exercise. “People with reflective vest tend to dress in overlapping layers to go running. However, when short, it emerges much energy as heat (4/5), so this extra layer is not necessary. During exercise, it gives off heat like a good little electric heater, it can hold at very low temperatures without any problems, “says Gilles Goetghebuer.
Avoid exposure to cold after exercise. “This is a deeply rooted habit, and after exercise, this is really the time when one is most vulnerable, explains the editor. After exercise, there is a low immunity phase which allows the immune system not to overreact to small injuries we have during the activity. Once the effort stops for a few minutes, we are very vulnerable. “Moral: we must cover them when the body is at rest. Scarf, hat, sweater … For once, at that time, so do not skimp on diapers!
Cover the ends. Fingers, nose, face, ears … All these parts are very sensitive to cold. “In case of low temperatures, blood circulation is reorganized and privileges the heart and brain. The blood deserted ends. Think, for example, when an ear is pierced to put a loop: is affixed an ice cube against the lobe so that it does not bleed. “So do not hesitate to bring out his gear gloves with reflective strip, socks, caps and headbands.
Well hydrated. “We use less in winter than in summer, of course, explains our expert. That said, even when it loses water in breathing, therefore we must remember to drink properly. “How do you know if you’re hydrated enough?”It’s pretty easy, just observe the urine. If they are very yellow, is that you are dehydrated. ”
Eat normally.”It is often said that in winter, you have to eat richer dishes for cold weather. This was true at one time where we worked and where we were out all the time … But right now, I do not think the difference in caloric expenditure is very significant between summer and winter “Gilles continues Goetghebuer.
Gradually enter the effort. This advice applies to all but for a very specific category of people: “For asthmatics, for example, bronchial reactivity is higher in the cold.”
Beware of darkness. During the winter season, the days are shorter. We must therefore redouble vis-à-vis traffic caution. “Wear bright colors with reflective tape. And be very careful, because sometimes when we run, we are focused on its business. ”
In short, no more excuses pushing the door of the house and going romp with the sport, even in winter. And even without training to amputate frostbitten members: in 1911, the team Amundsen did not need to put this learning into practice … and the temperatures were much lower than ours.

Considered the favorite science fiction weapon, weapons laser gradually become a reality thanks to fiber optics.

Silently, the drone glides on arid lands of New Mexico and suddenly it turns its direction by diving to the ground. Then we see a shell out of his pitcher to go straight to its target, but the shell has just been launched that explodes in flight. On the floor above a large sand-colored truck, a cubic mechanism swivels and pulls invisible laser rays to destroy targets one by one. The High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD) is a laser weapon prototype that was developed for the US Army by Boeing manufacturer. Inside the truck, the engineer with reflective overall Electro physics, Stephanie Blount, aims targets on his laptop and directs the laser with a kind of joystick. She says it’s like a video game.
And that makes sense because we often see laser weapons in video games and science-fiction movies. The first true laser was demonstrated in 1960 and this technology is not science fiction. Boeing prototype is one of many laser weapons that developed in Europe and the United States. And this technology has become possible thanks to robust and affordable lasers that generate their shelves with optical fibers.
The effectiveness of these fiber laser weapons is measured in Kilowatt (KW) and much less powerful than the ambitions of the US Strategic Defense Initiative. This was a plan during the Cold War to create lasers that could destroy ballistic missiles that carried nuclear warheads. But even if these weapons are less powerful laser modern, it does not mean that they are ineffective in combat. Tests such as those conducted by Boeing show that these lasers are powerful enough to neutralize enemy threats such as mortars and homemade rockets. And the main advantage is that these laser weapons do not cost a fraction of the cost of conventional defense weapons.
Thus in 2014, the US Navy has shown a laser weapon called Laws which was mounted on a ship that could destroy small boats such as those used by Somali pirates or terrorists. And this experimental laser weapon is currently installed on the USS Ponce, an amphibious ship for the carrier patrolling the Gulf.
But laser weapons still face many obstacles from the increase in power up to the difficulty of using lasers in a fog of war or simply cloudy. But security experts are beginning to seriously consider the lasers in their strategies. Paul Scherer, a specialist in advanced technology at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) said: After a search that lasted nearly 50 years, the US military is the first to consider laser weapons for transactions field.
Searching for the perfect laser weapon
Laser weapons have always fascinated weapon designers, especially during the golden age of the Strategic Defense Initiative that was dubbed Star Wars and peaked between 1980 and 1990. Reflective vest is necessary. According to a report CNAS, the United States spent the equivalent of $ 2.4 billion in 1989 to try to develop laser weapons that can destroy ballistic missiles while being out of reach.
The trick with any weapon laser is to focus its energy on a tiny spot enough for the heat and damage the target. And above all we must do it with a machine that is compact and portable enough for the battlefield. Thus in 1996, the US Air Force launched the Airborne Laser project as one of its contributions to protect against ballistic missiles. But given that it was impossible at that time to generate megawatts needed to optical energy, the designers chose a chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) that could power through a chemical reaction. But the COIL was so impressive that he had to carry on the Boeing 747 and there was little room for the laser fuel. Lockheed had provided laser technology on this project.
According to Phillip Spangle scientist specializing in lasers Naval Research Laboratory: The atmosphere was another major problem, not only because the rays were disturbed by dust and natural turbulence, but their passage (those lasers) caused a kind thermal bloom. When the radius was spreading at a very high power, the atmosphere absorbed the laser light by heating the air and dispersing the laser. And this process completely dissipated the energy of the laser.
In 2010, the science of optics was advanced enough that Airborne Laser can destroy a ballistic missile in flight. But the logistical issues such as the size of the craft prompted the Defense Department to drop laser weapons. The department canceled the Airborne Laser project until early 2012. And the expenditure of the Department in lasers lowered at full speed from 961 million in 2007 to $ 344 million in 2014.
They had not wasted money, but we focused on fiber lasers that were more economical. Fiber lasers were invented in 1963 and since 1990; they are designed and promoted entirely by IPG Photonics which is located in Massachusetts. Other solid state lasers use rods or rigid plates or crystals discs for generating the radiation, but the fiber lasers use tiny optical fibers which are coated with compact coils. The fibers collect optical energy from laser diodes that can be found in DVD players. Obviously, these are not the same diodes, but improved versions that can amplify light for maximum energy. In addition, the electrical / optical conversion is more efficient at 30%. This efficiency is almost double of solid state lasers and very close chemical lasers such as the COIL. And since the reflective fibers are long and thin, they have a large surface area for heat quickly spread. Finally, these fiber lasers have a long service life and maintenance is much more affordable.

Winter tire: equip yourself with reflective vest

Winter time, it also concerns the automotive and pedestrians. We must equip!
Winter time, it’s not good news for motorists in safety vest. The roads are slippery, the densest fog, night hours more numerous. In cities like on the roads, it is the pedestrian who first suffer the consequences of winter time.

Last year in November, 62 pedestrians were killed including 46 at night, so that in the spring there were 10 killed overnight

The precautions are simple: when you are walking, check several times before crossing and do it in crosswalks on the road, walk on the side facing the headlights, that is to say, left the road, preferably with light colors.
Friendly, retro-reflective vest is mandatory, and it should be for skates, scooters and skateboards are often on the road with no lighting.
For motorists, check and clean your headlights, fill your washer fluid with antifreeze and change the brushes every year. Also check if your fan is enough to defog your windscreen.

In winter the main thing is to see and be seen

As for the grip on the road, we know that, like chewing gum, the colder it is, the gum is less elastic and adherent. Because the rubber of winter tire does not harden when it is cold, its cobblestones adhere well to the snow and the water drains better when it rains. Besides winter tires are mandatory in many countries of Europe, from Scandinavia to northern Italy via Germany, Switzerland and the Balkans. Not in France, but the French motorists who travel to the countries mentioned must equip. Besides, more and more motorists in clothing made with reflective fabric are aware that winter tires are an effective solution, 72% according to a survey by Alones, the French leader in Internet sales. This is 10% more than last year. And they are 66% to consider that, in one way or another; the equipment should be made compulsory. Moreover, when asked, 35% said they will fit. But it is often wishful thinking since the sale of winter tires is between 13 and 17% of the market.

What hinders buyers? The price first, the practical constraints such as the storage of summer tires

Three arguments that deny the reality today because merchants like Euro master can store your tires after having changed, and that a site like Alone proposes to come and change tires, four on your car without you were moving. This is also the case of 123 tires.
But the emergence of tires any time will perhaps dispel prejudices. Michelin released their Cross climate, a tire that combines the benefits of winter tires, the grip, comfort and the holding of the summer tire.
And all other brands have their tires 4 seasons. Still, in mountain regions, a winter tire will be more and more effective in snow and ice. But if you equip yourself, do not expect the first snowflakes.

The Best of motorcycle backpack bag!

Soft Luggage maker deemed the Channel, Krieger is gradually moved to France. We tested the backpack on R25 over a year, in any weather and the verdict is clear: the Krieger R25 is part of the best of its kind!
Number of users of PTWs daily use a reflective backpack and often are content with a model bought in supermarkets or sports store.
For occasional trips, but this may be enough under intensive annual use or to go on a trip, this type of product quickly admits its limits: perfectible sealing risky posture, endurance and strength limited …
In such conditions, backpacks specifically designed for motorcycle and are therefore better suited Krieger, a well-known manufacturer in England, made his specialty.
Krieger R25: The Range Rover motorcycle backpacks
Sober, if not austere in its unique black hue, Krieger R25 is one of the bestsellers manufacturer in the UK. It is suitable for everyday users because, with a capacity of 25 liters, it can accommodate a laptop or something to go to a gym.
Much more innovative in contrast, Quad loc its patented harness system provides excellent support while completely freeing the movements at the shoulders. Once settled, the side headgear reflective straps adjust the backpack as close to the body and the setting is very accurate.
We discover the relevance of this system virtually allows forgetting the presence of the backpack … everything being relative; it obviously depends on its load. Tested on many bikes, the trail to the sport, the Krieger R25 has always offered excellent ergonomics.
Among the storage tips developed by Krieger include a concealed pocket in the outer flap of the backpack and another, inside, slipping to a computer or tablet.
The harness incorporates Quad loc meanwhile removable pocket called Kobe. As the backpack, she uses a waterproof YKK zipper. Effective, it still requires the use of a small zip lock type waterproof bag for rain days.
The R25 has finally coating ergonomic comfort and participating in an internal pocket that can accommodate an optional back CE approved Level 2 or pocket at Camelback water type.
After a year of use in all weathers, the backpack Krieger R25 has retained all its qualities. Harness side straps and zippers are intact and the bag remained relatively impermeable. At most Reflective parts have they lost their luster.
The R25 has proved to be an ideal everyday companion as on long trips because it dramatically limits the weight of sensation induced by most backpacks. In addition, the harness that releases the movement is a valuable ally during walking sessions.
Sold € 139, the backpack with reflective tape Krieger R25 may seem a little expensive in absolute terms, but it turns quickly endearing to use. And given its robustness and guaranteed for 10 years, its price high after all appears quite justified.

Pictures with reflective element

First exclusive photos of the new radar site Careful motorist were able to photograph for the first time the cab of the new radar site. These pictures with reflective element were taken in the Doubs on the A36 in Agincourt, i.e. a few kilometers from the headquarters of Cudgeled Sod Alsace France Comet, the company that won the procurement of radar sites.
As seen, the cab is mounted on a trailer and it looks like a faired motorcycle trailer. This allows it to be easily moved to suit the specifications that require an installation in less than 30 minutes. The cabin is bigger than cabs tested in 2012 but ultimately more discreet. It will be a little less during commissioning, since the cabin will be equipped with yellow and black retro-reflective tape on all edges of the front and rear.
To reduce vandalism, the radar was fully integrated in the screen room. To prevent the car being “stolen”, the wheels are retracted and secured the arrow shaft when the cab is in service.
As we have presented, radar Vitriolic Polis can that will be installed in these cabins is already approved by cons, the cabin is still in development, and the final version should be completed in June. Reflective accessories are necessary. The first radar site should be installed early July for major holiday departures on the A10.

On the way to school, 75% of parents are careless

Do what I say not what I do. “This classical education is unfortunately also applies to learning good road safety actions according to a survey Opinion Way commissioned by the insurance group Insurers prevention. In this new study, 75% of parents with safety vest surveyed admit to having had a risk behavior in the street, in school or extracurricular trips, in the presence of their children.
“People lack of vigilance on the road, said Nicolas Moreau, President of Insurers prevention. September is the time to make resolutions and set the example for his children. ”
Especially since the imprudence of consequences can be dramatic. In the past five years, it is 2500 pedestrians were killed. Because they are smaller and less visible to drivers, because they are not always aware of the risks, children are particularly vulnerable. In 2012 and 36 young pedestrians fewer than 15 were killed and nearly 2,500 were injured.
The Insurers prevention study shines a spotlight on the dangers of mobile which most cannot manage to win. Even accompanying their children, 58% of parents and already market their ear phone, 42% send or read their text messages and 23% in their eyes on the screen of the damn machine to check apps or games. It is a new risk behavior that emerges from five years falls insurers. “In everyday life we ​​are not necessarily aware of the dangers of these behaviors,” says Nicolas Moreau. The proof, when mom and dad again become hen entrust their precious offspring with a third on the way to school, they are only 14% and consultant to the nurse or grandparents to drop their phone!
Yet, and this is another lesson of the study, when they entrust their toddler to a third party, the French are much more anxious. 54% of them give advice on safety rules. But six out of ten parents cannot provide the daily journey to the temple of knowledge. And among the councils, the vast majority (64%) recommends not cross with their little one on the crosswalks, they are nevertheless more than half (54%) do not always follow. Parents with reflective element also advocate a majority (52%) to walk on the sidewalk, while over a third (37%) admit sometimes walk on the floor holding their child’s hand.
Surprisingly, the study also reveals that the French are first trust their families for school and extracurricular trips. Not surprisingly, they are more likely to be reassured when their treasure entrusted to grandparents (50%) more than the nurse (13%). Even siblings, often children, have parental preference.
Explain, educational way, the rules to be observed as borrow pedestrian crossings; cross when the “little guy” is green; not to run, etc.
In the city, more of a pedestrian killed in three easts on regulatory white stripes!
As long as the children have not mastered the rules of caution, watch for them and accompany them.
Lead by example! Children mimic the behavior of their parents.
Make your little visible. Grab them with a backpack or satchel with reflective strips and dress them with light. At night, they will be identified and over 150 m instead of 30 m. namely, the months from November to February are particularly deadly for pedestrians, mainly because of poor visibility … while in car and motorbike, its summer, which presents more risk.
Study insurers Prevention The way to school, September 2014 conducted among a sample of 1009 meets representative of the French population.

Take your back pack and sfety vest to climbing

The Baxter Peaks aims bikers need a solid back pack, a safety vest, convenient and comfortable ride for long without constantly thinking about package and road safety. Presentation of a bag whose ergonomics seems to have been so refined that the arrangements.
Touring motorcycle backpack Baxter Peaks Dote a solid specifications and numerous adjustments, back Peaks Baxter bag is for different types of bikers. Bruiser’s followers long motorcycle trips who want to complement the already full saddlebags suitcases, those who do not plan to install the said bags on their machine but also those who are simply seeking a practical and ergonomic bag for regular travel. Let’s look at it more closely.
backpack Bagster Peaks: Comfort in the long term?
Touring motorcycle backpack Bagster PeaksLa of materials used on the Peaks would almost think that a GT jacket. Between neoprene, nylon 600D, the tarpaulin Tarpaulin to reinforce the bottom of the bag or the 3D mesh and reflective tape in the back, we are clearly dealing with the high technical level. But this is the minimum for a bag that is planning to calmly face the worst weather conditions. The carrying capacity can go from 36 liters to 42 liters by opening the bellows pockets and multiple expected to consider a mop of long weekend without too much concern.
A waterproof bag that can ventilate content
Touring motorcycle backpack Bagster PeaksSi need, the bottom pocket has two windows that offer a breakdown potential wet clothes while a pocket located at the top and as close to the back is destined to receive a type of hydration pocket HYDROBAG (or Camelbak). Two additional pockets were placed on the side brackets of the lap belt, resting on the hips not to interfere on long portages. As the lap and chest straps, wide straps are adjustable of course: down to flatten the bag on the back and the shoulders to not interfere against the helmet. As standard, an extra cover, ventral can store various small items such as ID, smartphone or for crackpots who use the highway on a motorcycle, the toll ticket or automatic badge.
Comes with a waterproof cover, the Bagster Peaks backpack comes in a single black color with orange piping and waterproof zips and large retro-reflective clothing. You can find here its dimensions and characteristics. For the price, count € 139 for a bag that, on paper, has everything you need to follow you for years.

Training outside with your safety vest

Winter racing is gaining popularity. For this to be nice, choose appropriate clothing and accessories is essential.
According runner Pierre Reveille, who participated in the 1984 Olympic Games, one of the most important rules concerning the holding of a winter runner is primarily to avoid cotton. “Cotton absorbs water, keeps moisture and rubbed on the body. It is much more comfortable with merino wool garments, a high-performance natural fiber or synthetic fibers, “explains Reveille, now coach and owner of the shop Endurance. A safety vest preference is three layers: basic, intermediate and shell.
How to know if you’re dressed too? “Once outside, if the rider is not afraid before starting his training is that his clothing is not suitable for the current temperature. Inevitably, in the effort, it will be too hot. ”
Someone who was introduced to the race and wishing to equip themselves from head to feet in winter must provide a budget of approximately $ 500.
For shoes, the marathon runner suggests three options: cleats, shoes Gore-Tex (a waterproof and windproof) or shoes four seasons and ventilated, which require good socks. Removable crampons may be required when the surfaces are very icy. “Cleats or not is really a matter of personal choice,” said Pierre Reveille. Merino wool socks with pads are preferred.

For hands and head, it is better to keep some options. One can start the race with gloves that are covered with mittens, a hat and a hood that is worn in combination. In the effort, when body heat takes over the cold, the rider can remove a layer. There are also convertible gloves with fingers covering to protect from the wind.
“We must remember that we must run face vehicle and not the reverse,” insists Mr. Reveille. And although most of running clothes have reflective tape, it is important to bring a flashing element to attract the attention of motorists. In winter, as the daylight period is shortened, the rider must ensure that it is visible at all times.
Mr. Léveillé recommend taking a coat lightest windproof possible and to instead work with the lower layers “Too thick and insulating shell will only be useful for a few weeks in the year as if the rider opts for a light shell windproof well, he can use at least three seasons, provided he carries basic and intermediate layers well suited to the climate. This is a better investment. ”
The first two layers, basic and intermediate, must be adjusted to the body, allow air circulation and be adapted to the intensity of the effort of the rider. Given their high price and the many opportunities in the market, the advice of a specialist is recommended to ensure adequate buy reflective clothing.
Winter challenges abound in Quebec, and the offer meets the aspirations of runners of all levels as well as families. To facilitate the selection of one or more challenges in running the site offers a calendar those groups. Fancy a first race this winter?