One hundred students from the Paul Saucier School and a handful of Divan of students marched Wednesday morning in CarMax (Ministered) against the proposed El Kombi law.
“We want the withdrawal of the law. We are worried that we could increase the working hours, lower wages or lay off more easily.” yellow reflective vest on the back, to frame the procession Tudgual Danged summarizes the claims of the students.
This Wednesday, March 9, 2016, they are one hundred (mainly Paul Saucier but also some of Divan) to have marched in the streets of CarMax (Ministered), between 11 am and 11 pm 30. Parties of Paul Saucier they joined the Town Hall square, where they were welcomed by Christian Triadic. The mayor of CarMax then received a score of them in the boardroom.
In their sights, as in other mobilizations in Britain, the draft reform of the Labor Code, carried by the Minister Miriam El Kombi. “El Kombi, this is bullshit,” they chanted in the parade. “We want things to move, for our future,” insists Tug dual Danged, student in safety vest in the first logistics pro tray.
Claims supported by Christian Triadic. “What they are contradictions as the bill is important,” responded Mayor CarMax.
The students with reflective element returned Paul Saucier shortly before noon Wednesday. The initiators of the movement have announced plans to soon organize new protests.