In 1911, Norwegian explorer Road Amundsen reached for the first time, the South Pole. No bubo to report, but we must still specify that one of the team members had to undergo training to express the Oslo hospital to be able to cut a party member if ever it was freezing … the anecdote may seem dated, but the subject of sport in the cold is he, highly relevant fact, with winter approaching. Gilles Goetghebuer, editor of the magazine Atopic, a magazine specializing in the running, gives us some good tips to brave the cold.
Do not dress too warmly during exercise. “People with reflective vest tend to dress in overlapping layers to go running. However, when short, it emerges much energy as heat (4/5), so this extra layer is not necessary. During exercise, it gives off heat like a good little electric heater, it can hold at very low temperatures without any problems, “says Gilles Goetghebuer.
Avoid exposure to cold after exercise. “This is a deeply rooted habit, and after exercise, this is really the time when one is most vulnerable, explains the editor. After exercise, there is a low immunity phase which allows the immune system not to overreact to small injuries we have during the activity. Once the effort stops for a few minutes, we are very vulnerable. “Moral: we must cover them when the body is at rest. Scarf, hat, sweater … For once, at that time, so do not skimp on diapers!
Cover the ends. Fingers, nose, face, ears … All these parts are very sensitive to cold. “In case of low temperatures, blood circulation is reorganized and privileges the heart and brain. The blood deserted ends. Think, for example, when an ear is pierced to put a loop: is affixed an ice cube against the lobe so that it does not bleed. “So do not hesitate to bring out his gear gloves with reflective strip, socks, caps and headbands.
Well hydrated. “We use less in winter than in summer, of course, explains our expert. That said, even when it loses water in breathing, therefore we must remember to drink properly. “How do you know if you’re hydrated enough?”It’s pretty easy, just observe the urine. If they are very yellow, is that you are dehydrated. ”
Eat normally.”It is often said that in winter, you have to eat richer dishes for cold weather. This was true at one time where we worked and where we were out all the time … But right now, I do not think the difference in caloric expenditure is very significant between summer and winter “Gilles continues Goetghebuer.
Gradually enter the effort. This advice applies to all but for a very specific category of people: “For asthmatics, for example, bronchial reactivity is higher in the cold.”
Beware of darkness. During the winter season, the days are shorter. We must therefore redouble vis-à-vis traffic caution. “Wear bright colors with reflective tape. And be very careful, because sometimes when we run, we are focused on its business. ”
In short, no more excuses pushing the door of the house and going romp with the sport, even in winter. And even without training to amputate frostbitten members: in 1911, the team Amundsen did not need to put this learning into practice … and the temperatures were much lower than ours.