If in the next day someone comes and makes the move to give a cylinder of green paper and let stand case. Surely this is a person who is wearing reflective clothing participating in the campaign that launched the Brain Injury Association of Burgos (Adacebur) with the theme takes over. Watch your brain. This group proposes that Burgos know what acquired brain injury, how it happens and what can be done to prevent a serious condition suffering in the city about two thousand people, approximately.
The president of the group, Rosa Maria Herero, yesterday asked the cooperation of the people to catch the relay, read the information that’s inside and share a picture of the time in social networks. “We want people to upload a photo to Face book or Twitter with relay, to send it by Whats App or send us an email to telling noting his experience and his commitment to improving your health, then pass it to another person, “said psychologist Association of Immaculate Garcia.
Among the relays are tips on how to protect themselves from a stroke or a stroke and traumatic brain injury, which are by tumors and anoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain), the two most common causes of acquired brain injury. In the first case, it is to control the risk factors associated with blood-hypertension, high bad cholesterol, diabetes, alcohol- or drug use, avoid a sedentary lifestyle and obesity taking a diet rich in vegetables and fruits and correct stress, anxiety and depression since, according Adacebur ‘depressive moods tend to thicken the blood, making it more thrombogenic. “To prevent head injuries give advice to car drivers (using the belt, avoid distractions, keeping the safety distance, observe traffic regulations and not to drive after consuming alcohol and drugs) and motorcycle (wearing a helmet at all trips, light-colored clothing and safety vest) and pedestrians (walking left at cross road and always properly marked places). If you don’t have a safety vest, a normal reflective tape for runner can also be used in this situation.
It is called acquired brain injury the result of a sudden injury to the brain that produces many consequences of physical, mental and sensory character that develop abnormal sensory perception, cognitive disorders and altered emotional plane. Those affected complain of neglect suffered by the administration and that after being treated at the time of stroke or trauma or tumor and go home and nobody pays any rehabilitation aid and has to run on their own. That’s where Adacebur plays an important role, providing neuropsychological patient care, psychological support to those affected and their families, occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy.
In the 25 relay bright green and handmade by people Adacebur they will also find a card “with sufficient size to carry in your wallet,” according remarked the Councilor for Health, Marisol Carrillo, which supports this campaign, with the data of the association and five recommendations to prevent brain damage acquired.